- VC串口编程资料汇总,内有详细的串口编程,手把手把你带到高手境界。-VC Serial Programming information collected, and there are detailed serial programming, handholding lead you to master realm.
- 信号流图分析软件,是自动控制领域的一个辅助软件,有利于课堂教学,和平时计算。vb的程序。-Signal flow drawing analysis software is one of auxiliary softwares in the automatic control realm . It is convenient in teaching and in ordinary computing.(write in vb)
魔镜 v1.0
- 魔镜--魔力境界再现!游戏中的场景引人惊奇、激动人心!-Mirror -- magic realm again! Game scenes soliciting surprising, exciting!
- C和C++学习书籍。This book is a collection of essays about a glamorous aspect of software: programming pearls whose origins lie beyond solid engineering, in the realm of insight and creativity. This book provides a guide for both students and experien
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- 字典组件例子程序 讲述COM对象和接口时,一再以字典组件作为例子,现在,我们将按照凹M对 象和接口的规范来实现可以运行的字典组件。在编写例了程序时,丛通过单步或跟踪力式,可以讣我们对coM的运行过积看得更清楚。 本例子程序包括两个工样.分别为DictComp和Dictctrl,两个目录,每个目录中包含了工程所需的源代码程序,其中包括编译后的可执行代码义件 以及一个示例用的字典库animal.dict文件。Dictcomp是一个windosws平台32位动态连接库工程。-dicti
- Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) is emerging as a viable approach for allowing the separate expression of multiple concerns along with \"weaving\" technologies for knitting together these separate expressions into coherent systems. Thanks
- 暗黑代理转发,用于封包研究及BOT工具RedVex is a Diablo II proxy with plugin support. It supports plugins for all three types of Diablo II servers (chat, realm, game). To add a plugin simply add it to the "Plugins" folder and it will be automatically loaded at ap
- 基于VC的图形输入处理程序,能将一定规格 的地理数据输入并显示,然后完成一些 基础的地图浏览功能和一些处理算法-VC-based graphics input process, the specifications must be able to input and display of geographic data, and then achieve some of the basic navigational features and a number of map-process
- 位图排序法,时空高效的至高境界.速度超级快的。-Sort bitmap, the highest realm of time and space efficient
- 如何利用好C++这么语言?本书的作者能帮助你克服C++语言的不做,发挥它的优势。-How to overcome several of the deficiencies in C++ s type system The usefulness of template programming in increasing code flexibility and robustness How to survive in the realm of undefined behavior
- vc很实用的编程技巧让你的编程不断进入新的境界- very practical programming techniques to make your program into a new realm of continuous
- SIGNAL INTEGRITY In the realm of high-speed digital design, signal integrity has become a critical issue, and is posing increasing challenges to the design engineers. Many signal integrity problems are electromagnetic phenomena in nature and he
- The Viterbi algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm for finding the most likely sequence of hidden states – called the Viterbi path – that results in a sequence of observed events, especially in the context of Markov information sources, and mor
- WinHex_15.4 SR-5专业二进制文件编辑软件同时也是数据恢复的强有力抓手-WinHex is in its core a universal hexadecimal editor, particularly helpful in the realm of computer forensics, data recovery, low-level data processing, and IT security. An advanced tool for everyday an
- 实现了无线通信中需要使用的信道模型,分析各种模型下的输入信号后的仿真和分析-On the basis of the study in multi-path propagation theory, characteristics and mathematics models of wireless channels, and the analysis of references from both domestic and international realm, this thesis will
- 类的使用方法,类的说明,同时还有方法的解释-Use of class, class descr iption, as well as methods of interpretation
- Swift realm application
- 由于最近项目中在用Realm,所以把自己实践过程中的一些心得总结分享一下。 Realm是由Y Combinator公司孵化出来的一款可以用于iOS(同样适用于Swift&Objective-C)和Android的跨平台移动数据库。目前最新版是Realm 2.0.2,支持的平台包括Java,Objective-C,Swift,React Native,Xamarin。 Realm官网上说了好多优点,我觉得选用Realm的最吸引人的优点就三点: 跨平台:现在很多应用都是要兼
- 这是一款简单的 Node.js HTTP Server 服务器,使用 ES6 模块编写,内部框架使用了 Koa、Koa Router、Realm 和 Tracer。其中 Koa 和 Koa Router 作为基础服务框架,Realm 是数据库框架,Tracer 是日志记录框架。服务主要提供了以下几种 GET 和 PUT 功能:1.检索单字,用于展示详情,主要接收 character(文字);2.检索字符集,主要用于展示列表,接收两种参数,分别是 radical/strokes(部首和笔画)和 d