- 用java实现的applet里的小计算器 包含文件 javasmallcomputer.java javasmallcomputer.html javasmallcomputer.cla-with java applet achieved a small calculator contains documents javasmallcom puter.java javasmallcomputer.html javasmal lcomputer.cla
- 同一个界面实现计算器跟用户登录功能: 1、在用户没有登录成功时,计算器控件的按钮变成灰色。用户登录成功方能使用计算器; 2、用户登录界面的验证码由随机数函数产生; 3、计算器跟用户登录界面均有数据重置功能。-Implement the same interface with the user login function calculator: 1, the user is not logged in successfully, the calculator button on th
- there is an other java project in eclipse explaine how to code a simple calculator with a motor cla-there is an other java project in eclipse explaine how to code a simple calculator with a motor class
- 简单的C#计算器,实现加减乘除取余等运算,实现记忆功能,双行显示-This is a simple calculator program, which implements the operations of addition, subtraction modulo the memory function, and two-line display!
- a big number class and a calculator using the cla-a big number class and a calculator using the class