- Descr iption The art galleries of the new and very futuristic building of the Center for Balkan Cooperation have the form of polygons (not necessarily convex). When a big exhibition is organized, watching over all of the pictures is a big security
- Find the co ordinate in a 3d view with mouse click
- line driving robot with 4 sensor and it can make robot to run on co-ordinate
- Camera calibration consists in the estimation of a model for an un-calibrated camera. The objective is to find the external parameters (position and orientation relatively to a world co-ordinate system), and the internal parameters of the camera (pri
- 简单的脚本来读取视频文件,并跟踪单个二维红色标记使用的色调和饱和度值。最大的红色斑点检测,平均统筹此Blob位置跟踪。这段代码没有任何跟踪内置的:它把每一帧独立。 这是假设是一个常数的视频帧速率视频。由此产生的协调时间序列存储在变量:吨,结晶度和YC。-Simple scr ipt to read a video file and track a single red marker in 2D using the hue and saturation values. The large
- 确定RGB彩色图像的像素点的坐标值。有时候需要比较图像特定区域在处理前后的特征,这时候必须计算区域边界坐标;Matlab本身有这个计算灰度图像坐标的函数。-finding co ordinate values of RGB imagas well as the gray level image.... n finding some other relevent information
- 处理lasso regression。 使用stochastic Markov property。-Algorithm for solving the Lasso problem: 0.5* (y- X*beta) *(y- X*beta)+ lambda* ||beta||_1 where ||beta||_1 is the L_1 n
- to find the co ordinate location i geographical plane
- 基于matlab的模糊逻辑方面的国外资料,基于案例又有程序,值得收藏。-The world we live in is becoming ever more reliant on the use of electronics and computers to control the behavior of real-world resources. For example, an increasing amount of commerce is performed without a s
- matlab图像信息处理算法---协调提取RGB图像信息值-finding co ordinate values of RGB image and some other information retrival.
- GPS定位各坐标系转换代码, C++语言,VS编译环境,函数调用方便-GPS co-ordinate convert, C++
- The safest direction to navigate to is calculated the m.In order to mathematically calculate the safest direction, the following procedure is used. The pixels representing the obstacles are multiplied with the square their vertical co-ordinate-The sa
- used to mark pixel in images and then giving values in x-y co-ordinate
- This particular feature of GAUSS causes a number of unexpected problems, particularly when using loops to access columns or rows in sequence. If your counter drops to zero (or some unspeciÖ ed values) then you will Ö nd the program operat
- CIE calculator CIE calculator CIE calculator CIE calculator-CIE calculator CIE calculator CIE calculatorCIE calculatorCIE calculator CIE calculator
- code for co ordinate tracking of the hand usinf kinect camera for hand tracking