- 2psk的调制以及误码率等系统性能比较,里面分为好几个子程序更利于理解编写。,2psk modulation, as well as systems such as bit error rate performance comparison, which is divided into several more conducive to understanding the preparation of subprogram.
- LEACH协议与DEEC协议的比较,用matlab编写的,可以运行哦。,LEACH protocol agreement with the DEEC comparison, using matlab prepared, you can run, oh.
- 纹理模式的LBP特征表示及分类原理:就是通过定义一个模板,对于原图像中的每个点,使用该模板进行操作,模板中心点近邻区域对应的图像象素值与中心位置对应的象素值进行比较,且对于不同位置的比较结果赋予不同的权值,从而,变换图像中对应点的值就由模板对应各位置的比较结果之权和表示。-LBP texture pattern feature representation and classification theory: that by defining a template for the origina
- 实现音频采集和频谱分析的程序, 包括录音,回放,显示波形,FFT频谱。 自己写的,所以比较简陋了,仅供参考。-Audio acquisition and spectrum analysis procedures, including recording, playback, display waveform, FFT spectrum. Wrote it myself, so it is a simple comparison.
- 本文实现了在连续视频数据流中几种不同的运动检测算法,他们都是基于当前帧图像和前一帧图像的比较,程序使用了AForge.NET framework库。其中的示例代码支持下面几种视频格式:AVI文件、网路相机的JPEG和MJPEG,本地的采集设备(USB相机等)。-This article implements a continuous video data stream in several different motion detection algorithms, they are based
- 粒子滤波滤波器程序,相对比较基础,可以结合例子学习,有助于初学者学习-Filter particle filter procedure, the relative basis of comparison, examples of learning can be combined to help beginners learn
- LDA是人脸识别中比较基础的一个算法,在人脸识别中使用较广-Comparison of LDA in face recognition are based on an algorithm used in face recognition broader
- 指纹比对程序,eFinger美国人写的东东,比较有用的。-Fingerprint matching process, eFinger Dongdong of American Writing, a useful comparison.
- 人脸检测系统可对一张图片中,在不同地方的人脸进行识别,并可对图片进行各种各样的处理,如:对图片进行二值化,比较图片相似度等.-Human Face Detection system can be a picture, in different parts of the face to identify people, and on the picture for various treatment, such as: for two values of the picture, and pict
- CRFsuite is a very fast implmentation of the Conditional Random Fields (CRF) algorithm. It handles tens of thousands sentences in merely one second. In comparison to CRF++, CRFSuite yields substantially better efficiency performance
- 对读入的两幅图像进行逐个像元比较,取其中最大或最小值形成新图像矩阵,输出。 已形成界面。可通过界面进行上述操作。-To read the two images pixel-by-comparison, the maximum or minimum value from which to form a new image matrix, the output. Interface has formed. Through the interface to carry out such opera
- 各种排序方法的对比和实现,大学课程设计的题目.内有堆排序,冒泡排序,归并排序等算法,分不同的窗口展示.-Comparison of various sorting methods and achieved the title of the design of university courses. HEAPSORT inside, bubble sort, merge sort algorithm, such as separate display window.
- Comparison of C++, Java, Python, Ruby and MATLAB Using Object Oriented Example _comparelanguages
- 这个源代码是应一位网友要求发布的.主要功能是演示利用VB进行分析比较两张不同图片之间的差别,如BMP,JPG等,根据像素分析各个图片的不同。支持任意尺寸的图片,但是全屏图片可能会比较慢。好像根据图片屏蔽色来进行比较,本人对这个不是很有研究,希望懂行的给发表一下看法。-This source code is a request issued by users. The main function is to demonstrate the use of two VB analysis compa
- 用QAM调制的ofdm信号,利用SLM方法降低峰均功率比,可与QPSK方法调制的信号比较学习-With QAM modulation ofdm signal, the use of SLM to reduce the PAPR, with QPSK modulation signal comparison method to study
- 日历记事本比较经典,有记事,查询,删除等等功能,-Comparison of the classical calendar Notepad
- 信噪比估计代码,附有IEEE文献一篇,在AWGN下进行了MCRB的相关仿真-A Comparison of SNR Estimation Techniques for the AWGN Channel
- 关于卡尔曼滤波和等增益滤波器的仿真源码,给出了他们的性能比较,很实用的程序-Such as Kalman filtering and the gain on the filter simulation source code, given their performance comparison, a very useful program
- 该Matlab程序给出了Schmidt-Kalman filter和标准Kalman filter之间的性能对比,不是函数的形式,是直接的可执行程序,如有需要,直接更改文件中的参数就可以了-The Matlab program gives the Schmidt-Kalman filter and standards of performance comparison between the Kalman filter is not a function of the form is direc
Comparison of Combining Techniques
- comparison between combining techniques