- tsp 粒子群算法修正源码, 参考:大连理工大学 谷超 2009年硕士学位论文 “改进的ACO和PSO算法在TSP中的应用” *郭文忠1,陈国龙1,洪玉玲2 .求解TSP问题的动态邻域粒子群优化算法.漳州师范学院学报(自然科学版) -modified particle swarm optimization tsp source code, reference: Dalian University of Technology master s degree thesis Vall
- 标准微粒群算法源程序,该程序用于计算Goldstein-Price函数的函数最小值-Standard Particle Swarm Optimization source, the program used to calculate the Goldstein-Price function function of the minimum
- 摘要:本文旨在研究一种能对复杂热工对象的有效建模方法。基于遗传算法的辨识方法有较强的抗干扰能力,对低、高阶系统、延时系统都可以达到很好的辨识效果。根据单元机组的低阶非线性模型,推导出一个双进双出、能够描述机组动态特性及机炉间相互耦合关系的协调控制系统传递函数矩阵。依次模型为基础,提出一种基于改进的遗传算法的参数辨识方法。-Abstract: This paper aims to study a thermal complex objects can be an effective modelin
- 最新SD期刊上关于改进型PSO算法,我是通过学校内部数据库在SD下载的哦!包括《A dynamic inertia weight particle swarm optimization algorithm》、《Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization》、《Cyber Swarm Algorithms – Improving particle swarm optimization using adaptive memory strategies》。这三篇都是比较有研
- 粒子群算法在某化工厂聚化车间生产调度中的应用,效果很好,实现了动态调度,与数据库连接。-Particle swarm optimization in a chemical polymerization shop production scheduling applications, good results and achieve dynamic scheduling, and database connection.
- PSO算法的可视化方法,可以实现动态显示优化过程,英文资料。-PSO algorithm visualization methods, can achieve dynamic display optimization process and English languages.
- Matlab车间动态调度PSO微粒群算法程序(优化目标为机器间隙时间)-Matlab Workshop Particle Swarm Optimization PSO dynamic scheduling procedures (optimization target machine clearance time)
- Matlab 车间动态调度 PSO微粒群算法程序(优化目标为平均流动时间)-Matlab Workshop Particle Swarm Optimization PSO dynamic scheduling program (average flow time optimization objectives)
- Matlab 车间动态调度 PSO微粒群算法程序(优化目标为MakeSpan时间)-Matlab Workshop Particle Swarm Optimization PSO dynamic scheduling procedures (optimization target MakeSpan time)
- 为了提高算法的执行效率, 应用粒子群算法求取图像中任意两点间最短路径来定位目标边界, 并与经典的基于Dijkstra 动态规划图搜索的Liv e Wire 算法进行比较.-In order to improve the efficiency of the algorithm, particle swarm algorithm to strike any of images to locate the shortest path between two object boundaries, and
- 引入了动态联盟思想,构造了无线传感器网络任务分配的动态联盟模型及其相应的求解算法,并引入多Agent思想,提出了一种带多Agent的无线传感器网络自适应任务调度策略-Union, the introduction of dynamic thinking, a dynamic alliance of wireless sensor network task allocation model and its corresponding solution algorithm, and the intr
- 粒子群算法matlab程序代码,自行初始化,2维以下有动态图-Particle swarm optimization matlab program code to initialize itself, the following two-dimensional dynamic map
- 针对传统的算法如遗传算法、粒子群算法等在TSP问题上求解精确性和求解规模上都还有一定的不足,本文提出了一种基于动态规划思想的粒子群优化算法。该算法用动态规划的方法实现粒子间的信息交互和粒子的进化,并且将粒子群中的粒子按无标度信息指导网络拓扑图的方式进行连接。仿真结果表明该方法能有效地减小误差率,提高解的精确,同时还保持了较低的计算复杂度,具有良好的稳健性。-TSP problem solving for the traditional algorithms such as genetic alg
- Expressing of Hybrid BFA-PSO,BFA-GA Algorithms and Dynamic-environment & Cooperative BFA. ------------------------------------------------ this file is with format of "SWF" and presented by "prof . Ji Zhen" . number of pages: 60 . including
- pso algoritm shows the cross spectra obtained between the average signals from cluster 6 and 7 of the parcellation shown in Fig. 1. Hot spots in the time-frequency plane indicate regions in which the signal exhibit high synchronicity. Results showed
- PSO是智能算法中的粒子群算法,该代码是对PSO算法的一个实现,并且将结果动态演示出来-PSO is an intelligent algorithm , the code is an implementation of the PSO algorithm, and the result is a dynamic presentation .
- pso 算法 实现路径寻优 粒子动态效果运动-pso algorithm to find the path of dynamic effects superior particle motion
- Dynamic PSO Learning Automata
2017 PSO identification nonlinear
- 2017- An improved PSO algorithm for parameter identification of nonlinear dynamic hysteretic models
- Abstract: With the development of engineering technology and the improvement of mathematical model, a large number of optimization problems were developed from low dimensional optimization to large-scale complex optimization. Large scale global opti