- J2ME开发的一些体会文章,提供出来大家探讨探讨。-J2ME development of some articles on the experiences we provide out investigates.
- This thesis aims to clearly describe the cognitive radio and its components and operations. Moreover, it aims on describing the expected outcome from the most common techniques that are proposed for use in cognitive radios. In addition, it describes
- 这是一个用VB编写的快要完成的竞赛游戏,使用计算机控件的赛车(最多可达20辆!),包括一个跑道编辑器,很多不同风格的跑道,对于任何一个想要创建一个竞赛游戏的人来说这是一个非常好的开端。对于以下方面它也是一个非常好的示例:游戏物理学,例如碰撞检测和磨擦,快速图形,旋转角度涉及到的数学,计算机人工智能(这些赛车能按任何一个用户制造的跑道进行竞赛!),制造级别编辑器,以及如何用相当少的代码来制造一个酷的游戏。- This is the competition game which compiles w
- This paper investigates the practicality of building a special-purpose embedded system capable of intercepting and logging network data in real time. The proposed system does not transmit any data onto the network, making it difficult to dete
- OFDM高功率放大器.供学习matlab的同学交流学习 -The Matlab code investigates the harmful effects of high power amplifier on ofdm signals. It is imagined that the amplifier destroy the amplitude of the transmitted signal due to saturation and has no effect on the sign
- 医院体检个人信息管理,报表打印等功能,很适合初学着查看,有照相功能,SQL数据库-Physical examination or clinical examination is the process by which a health care provider investigates the body of a patient for signs of disease. It generally follows the taking of the medical history — an
- 本文研究OFDM中最佳比特分配,试图在有限功率内达到传输比特最大化-This paper investigates subcarrier and power allocation in multiuser OFDM. The aim is to maximize the overall rate while achieving proportional fairness amongst users under a total power constraint.
- The mfile investigates the effects of high power amplifier on the ofdam signals. The effects on spectrum ang Modulation Error Rate (MER) is of more concern. -The mfile investigates the effects of high power amplifier on the ofdam signals. The effec
- he paper investigates some important transport layer algorithms for wireless sensor networks.adopt multi-path routing on the network layer and distributed TCP caching on the transport layer to enhance transport reliability.
- The mfile investigates the effects of high power amplifier on the ofdam signals. The effects on spectrum ang Modulation Error Rate (MER) is of more concern.
- GPRS is part of the evolution path towards 3G. This paper investigates the effect of user mobility on packet transmission in GPRS. A simulator was developed to study the end-to-end behaviour of data transmission between a mobile client and a fKed s
- GPRS is part of the evolution path towards 3G. This paper investigates the effect of user mobility on packet transmission in GPRS. A simulator was developed to study the end-to-end behaviour of data transmission between a mobile client and a
- Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) are increasingly becoming popular as low cost alternatives to wired network for providing broadband access to users (the last mile connectivity). In these multi-hop networks, data is forwarded to a gateway from th
- mfile investigates the generation, transmission and reception of the OFDM signal without channel noise or HPA effect
- Next generation mobile networks are expected to provide service to intelligent terminals with different categories. To fully optimize wireless networks, we argue that applications demands should be taken into account given the current channel and net
- 本文首先研究了IsO/IECl8000.6标准中A、B两类短程通讯的前向链路与返回 链路的数据编码方式,对(FMO)双相间隔编码、(PIE)脉冲间隔编码、曼切斯特码 的编解码方式和技术参数进行了深入的分析,并利用FPGA实验平台对这三种编 码的编、解码电路进行了设计和仿真。然后对UHF RFID系统的差错控制技术原理 进行了探讨,重点研究了ISo/IECl8000.6标准中采用的数据保护与校验技术,即 循环冗余校验(CRC)技术。分析了基于线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR)实现C
- This project is to provide the people to use a very fast, deadlock less, applicable in any network, with fast streaming multimedia transactions. This investigates mesh construction minimizing delay for P2P live streaming, with peers of asymmetric
- A research text which investigates the importance of security in email.
- TMS320F2812。程序在内部RAM执行比在Flash执行快很多,但RAM又无法长久保存程序,本文探讨如何实现从flash拷贝整个程序到RAM上运行的方法-TMS320F2812. Program execution in internal RAM is much faster than the Flash implementation, but the RAM and can not long-term preservation program, the paper investigate
- 基于matlab无人机编队模型程序,数学建模大赛专用,适合初学者(This study investigates the robust fixed-time consensus tracking problem of second-order multi-agent systems under fixed topology. A novel type of non-linear protocol and the corresponding sufficient conditions for ac