- 至今还没有弄明白为什么要用ModelSim,因为看波形Quartus II自带的工具就可以了
- 太鼓达人游戏玩法与KONAMI的BEATMANIA系列类似,玩家需要配合音乐,敲打机台上的日本传统乐器“太鼓”的框体,从而打出正确的节奏。-a music game
Matlab Gomoku
- NCU Matlab team project - "Soul of Gomoku" Soul of Gomoku is a normal gomoku game. Game Develop: Ke & Sheu Game Material: ヒカルの碁, Konami - GCヒカルの碁3 BGM: HΛLNA - I'll be the one(ヒカルの碁 OP2)
- 魂斗罗dos版,基于dosbox运行,先解压dosbox.rar,运行解压出来的Contra (CGA).bat或Contra (VGA).bat即可(Contra DOS version, running on dosbox, unpack dosbox.rar, run the extracted Contra (CGA).Bat or Contra (VGA).Bat.)
Konami Krazy Racers (EMU).zophar
- Again, i don't know what this is, im just putting random stuff from my pc on to activate my account.
- Spice tools 2020 12 11 Can launch Bemani games, like IIDX, DDR, Reflec Beat, Nostalgia, JuBeat, etc. Also has built in e-amusement server which work for some (not all) games.(spicetools, 0 , spicetools\spicecfg.exe, 513536 , spicetools\src, 0 , sp