- These files contains variety of Programs, file with ft and mkumar are basically finite difference implementation of the papers by R K pandey and Manoj Kumar. you can see the paper on science directc.
- it is a tutorial about how to install opencv2.31 in vs2010 by Mr.Manoj M from UTUBE,thx
OADV routing protocol implement in c++
- In AODV, routes are discovered in an on-demand basis and are maintained as long as they are required. Like DSDV it maintains a sequence number, which it increases each time it finds a change in the topology of its neighborhood. This sequence number e
- frequency counter 16F628 and LCD 1x16 (Good and tested with my Lab.. Check Youtube link... Search manoj soorya..)-frequency counter 16F628 and LCD 1x16 (Good and tested with my Lab.. Check Youtube link... Search manoj soorya..)