- ThreadX Library for ARM RISC microprocessor. ThreadX is a high performance RTOS that is wildly used in industrail world-wide.,ThreadX Library for ARM RISC microprocessor. ThreadX is a high performance RTOS that is wildly used in industrail world-wide
- 支持十条指令的微处理器 包括add sub mov mvi jmp jz in out sti lda微指令 支持8个寄存器 16位数据总线 地址总线 -Supports 10 microprocessor instructions, including add sub mov mvi jmp jz in out sti lda microinstruction registers support 8 data bus 16-bit address bus
- AVR单片机视频采集,主要是为了在自主导航的微型机器人里使用。 获取图像后,可以直接在微型机器人的微处理器里处理、识别图像。 -AVR single-chip video capture, primarily for autonomous navigation in the use of micro-robot. Access to images can be directly in the micro-robot to deal with the microprocessor to id
- thermometer and heater device for demonstration of automatic temperature control. version 2.0 this device (thermometer.exe) comes with full source code (visual basic 6.0) and a sample assembler program (thermometer.asm), that ca
- RISC(reduced instruction setcomputer,精简指令集计算机)是一种执行较少类型计算机指令的微处理器。改源码是vhdl语言,能在FPGA上跑。-RISC [reduced instruction setcomputer, Reduced Instruction Set Computer] is an implementation of fewer types of computer instructions to the microprocessor. VHDL s
- VHDL例程集锦,有很多例子,从简单的逻辑例程到复杂的微操作系统和相关存储器。-This file contains a selection of VHDL source files which serve to illustrate the diversity and power of the language when used to describe various types of hardware. The examples range from simple combinationa
- this is a 8085 microprocessor useful material.
- 精通verilog HDL语言编程的一个不错的cpu 代码-Verilog HDL language proficiency of a good cpu code
- The MINI2440 is an effecient ARM9 development board with a comprehensive price, it characterizes simple method and high performance-price ratio. Based on the Samsung S3C2440 microprocessor, it embodies professional stable CPU core power source chip a
- 4位微处理器系统的顶层描述代码,本人亲自测试,代码很简单。明了。内容无毒。放心下载使用-4 top-level descr iption of the microprocessor system code, I personally tested the code is very simple. Clear. The content of non-toxic. Download ease the use of
- 这是8位微处理器的Verilog源代码,可以欠在Flex10k10里面-This is the 8-bit microprocessor Verilog source code, can they owed in Flex10k10
- Prawn is a simple eight-bit microprocessor based on the sample processor described in Chapter 9 of "VHDL : Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems"by Z. Navabi, McGraw-Hill,Inc. 1993. We have added some features such as interrupt, stack and some con
- 8085 simulator that simulate the operations of intel 8085 microprocessor
- this file contains the through explaination of microprocessor 8085 and 8086....If you want to ask something then u can mail me at prem_bombay@yahoo.co.in -this file contains the through explaination of microprocessor 8085 and 8086....If you want to
- MANIK is a 32 bit RISC Microprocessor. The salient features of the processor are listed below. Features Hardware Features • Data Path Width 32 bits, with Four stage pipeline. • Mixed 16/32 bit instructions for code density ̶
- 8085 microprocessor code for digital clock
- this a simplest & optimized code for simple 8085 microprocessor
- 一个微处理器的Verilog代码,根据英文书籍《数字设计与架构》中的例子而写,能够运行MIPS指令,能正确执行跳转指令。通过modelsim仿真,含测试代码。-Verilog code for a microprocessor, according to the English book " Digital Design and Architecture" was written in the example, to run MIPS instructions to jump
- 单片机实现温度监控,文件为正片论文,其中包含c语言编程-Microprocessor temperature control, file papers for the positives, which contains the c programming language
- DSP教程微处理器设计开发caj文档DSP microprocessor design and development tutorial documentation caj -DSP microprocessor design and development tutorial documentation caj