Hidden Markov Models for Speech Recognition-lect19
- HMM模型在语音识别中的应用,相信对HMM模型感兴趣的语音或图像等专业人员应该明白价值。-It is about Hidden Markov Models (HMM) method in Speech Recognition research. those interested in HMM or speech/image processing should know it s value.
- 各种颜色空间模型之间的相互转换。RGB,CMY,YIQ,XYZ,HSI之间的转化,A variety of color space conversion between the models. RGB, CMY, YIQ, XYZ, HSI conversion between
- This code and doucument describe the image segementation using active contore models [snake].
- 双馈异步电机空载的最新仿真模型 利用matlab中的simulink模块搭建的模型。-Double-fed asynchronous motor-load the latest simulation model in simulink module using matlab built models.
- Multipath and Doppler effects and Models与下一个PDF文档匹配-Multipath and Doppler effects and Models with a PDF document matching
- Extraction of MPEG-4 Facial Animation Parameters with Active Appearance Models关于aam不错的学习文章-Extraction of MPEG-4 FacialAnimation Parameters withActive Appearance Models on AAM good learning article
- Probabilistic graphical models in matlab. -Probabilistic graphical models in matlab.
- 专题教程 :学习3D模型-Focus.On.3D.Models-Tutorial topic: Learning 3D model-Focus.On.3D.Models
- 一个用于画各种固定图形的程序。给定参数,然后根据参数画图。-models
- Hi This mfile is source code for image segementation using active contour models [Snake]. It found the objects in imaages.
- 非常经典的snake文章。必看之一。Snake模型初始轮廓选取的研究-Very classic snake article. One must-see. Snake model of the initial outline of the selected research
- GMM Gaussian Mixture Models in C
- 基于统计的分词,采用隐马尔可夫模型,并有实验报告-Based on statistics segmentation using hidden Markov models, and there is experimental report
- Active contour models, deformable surface models, edge detection, gradient vector flow, image segmentation, shape representation and recovery, snakes.-Active contour models, deformable surface models, edge detection, gradient vector flow, image s
- 复杂网络的一些节点面对攻击的代码,包括模型的产生。-Some of the complexity of the network nodes of the face of attack code, including the selection of models.
- mathlab 模糊控制器仿真.matlab做得毕业设计仿真,用simulink仿真房间内空调自动调节温度,文档中有很全的源代码 -mathlab simulink.In this paper, two methods of establishing simulation plant models are developed, based on the theory of hardware-in-the-loop simulation. The first method uses MATLA
- 一本很经典的的关于概率统计的数学书,涵盖了各种经典的统计模型,值得好好学习。-One of the classic book on mathematical probability and statistics, covering a variety of classical statistical models, it is worth to learn.
AR models
- the code is used to the failures detection and predection of tool wear with AR(calculus of twice differences in order to improve better estimation precision ) models.
PF models
- the code is used to the failure predection with PF models( twice difference method in order to improve estimation precision)
SIR models
- the code is used to the failure predection with SIR models( twice difference method in order to improve estimation precision)