- ModelSim SE 6.1 (电子仿真)具体破解-ModelSim SE 6.1 (electronic simulation) Specific crack
- 本文介绍了一个使用 VHDL 描述计数器的设计、综合、仿真的全过程,作为我这一段 时间自学 FPGA/CPLD 的总结,如果有什么不正确的地方,敬请各位不幸看到这篇文章的 大侠们指正,在此表示感谢。当然,这是一个非常简单的时序逻辑电路实例,主要是详细 描述了一些软件的使用方法。文章中涉及的软件有Synplicity 公司出品的Synplify Pro 7.7.1; Altera 公司出品的 Quartus II 4.2;Mentor Graphics 公司出品的 ModelSim
- 软件开发环境:ISE 7.1i 仿真环境:ModelSim SE 6.0 1. 这个实例实现通过ModelSim工具实现一个具有“百分秒,秒,分”计时功能的数字跑表; 2. 工程在project文件夹中,双击paobiao.ise文件打开工程; 3. 源文件在rtl文件夹中,paobiao.v为设计文件,paobiao_tb.tbw是仿真测试文件; 4. 打开工程后,在工程浏览器中选择paobiao_tb.tbw,在Process View中双击“Simulation
Altera Modesim破解版的LICENCE
- Altera Modesim破解版的LICENCE. 下载解压后: 1.直接运行mentorkg.exe(生成的license.txt拷贝到D:\altera\80\modelsim_ae\下或者mentorkg.exe拷贝到此目录下运行). 2.设置环境变量lm_license_file="D:\altera\80\modelsim_ae\license.txt" 3.搞定,Altera Modesim cracked version of the LICENCE.
- 1- Run MakeLic.bat file. 2- Copy licensefile.dat to a suitable place. 3- Define a user environment variable and name it LM_LICENSE_FILE . It must point to your license file. 4- Have fun )-1- Run MakeLic.bat file. 2- Copy licensefile.dat to
- 最新QuartusII8.1的补丁,安装它的破解器,可以获得长期使用权-QuartusII8.1 the latest patch, install it to break, and access to long-term use rights
- 软件开发环境:ISE 7.1i 仿真环境:ModelSim SE 6.0 1. 梁祝乐曲演奏电路-Software development environment: ISE 7.1i simulation environment: ModelSim SE 6.0 1. Butterfly music concert circuit
- 软件开发环境:ISE 7.1i 仿真环境:ModelSim SE 6.0 1. 多功能数字钟-Software development environment: ISE 7.1i simulation environment: ModelSim SE 6.0 1. Multi-function digital clock
- 软件开发环境:ISE 7.1i 仿真环境:ModelSim SE 6.0 1. 自动售饮机 电话计费器程序-Software development environment: ISE 7.1i simulation environment: ModelSim SE 6.0 1. Drink vending machine telephone billing program
- 软件开发环境:ISE 7.1i 仿真环境:ModelSim SE 6.0 1. 闹钟设计-Software development environment: ISE 7.1i simulation environment: ModelSim SE 6.0 1. Alarm Clock Design
- 软件开发环境:ISE 7.1i 仿真环境:ModelSim SE 6.0 1. 用VHDL语言仿真歌曲刘德华的《月老》-Software development environment: ISE 7.1i simulation environment: ModelSim SE 6.0 1. Using VHDL simulation language song Andy Lau' s " 月老"
- 软件开发环境:ISE 7.1i 仿真环境:ModelSim SE 6.0 1. 用VHDL语言仿真交通灯-Software development environment: ISE 7.1i simulation environment: ModelSim SE 6.0 1. Using VHDL language simulation of traffic lights
- 怎样写testbench 本文的实际编程环境:ISE 6.2i.03 ModelSim 5.8 SE Synplify Pro 7.6 编程语言 VHDL 在ISE 中调用ModelSim 进行仿真-、assert (s_cyi((DWIDTH-1)/4) = 0 ) and (s_ovi = 0 ) and (s_qutnt = conv_std_logic_vector(v_quot,DWIDTH)) and (s_rmndr = conv_std_log
- Modelsim se 6.1b 破解程序 ,但是没有LICENSE.DAT文件-Modelsim se 6.1b crack program, but did not LICENSE.DAT file
- Verilog HDL Introduction 1.1 Verilog HDL Introduction 1.2 The basic concept of using the Verilog 1.3 Verilog HDL design concept of modular and hierarchical 1.4 Gate-level design module 1.5 data processing module design 1.6 Behavior Model
- 32KFFT例程,适用于Quartus II 5.0 or later。- This design example requires the following software package: o Quartus II 5.0 or later o FFT MegaCore v2.1.3 o ModelSim version 6.0 or later
- 练习六在verilog hdl中使用函数317 -• Source code of designs in chapters 1 to 8. • Chapter 8 designs include the SAYEH processor, its C Compiler, and its Sort program run files. • Several Designs, including SAYEH, that are programmed on
- 设计一个循环灯控制器,该控制器控制红、绿、黄三个发光管循环发亮。要求红发光管亮2秒,绿发光管亮3秒,黄发光管亮1秒。(假设外部提供频率为1MHz的方波信号) 编程环境为Quartus II 11.0 仿真环境为 Modelsim 6.6d 通过仿真可以看出。系统复位后,红发光管亮2秒,绿发光管亮3秒,黄发光管亮1秒,三个发光管循环发亮。 -Design a loop lamp controller that controls the red, green and ye
- VERILOG Code for IEEE Paper Low-Error and Hardware-Efficient Fixed-Width Multiplier by Using the Dual-Group Minor Input Correction Vector to Lower Input Correction Vector Compensation Error Run by ModelSim 6.2 software Here paper output and m
- 使用ModelSim对Altera设计进行功能仿真的简要操作步骤 1.建立仿真工程 2.Altera仿真库的编译与映射 3.编译HDL源代码和Testbench 4.启动仿真器并加载设计顶层 5.打开观测窗口,添加信号 6.执行仿真-Using ModelSim Altera design for functional simulation brief Procedure 1. Create a simulation project Compilation and map