- 实现用固定变异概率和自适应变异概率解tsp问题的比较,自适应式算法采用基于种群差异度的自适应算法,详见实验报告-achieve fixed mutation probability and Adaptive Solutions tsp mutation probability of comparison, Adaptive Algorithm-based differences in the populations adaptive algorithm, as detailed experime
- 物流分析工具包。Facility location: Continuous minisum facility location, alternate location-allocation (ALA) procedure, discrete uncapacitated facility location Vehicle routing: VRP, VRP with time windows, traveling salesman problem (TSP) Networks: Sho
- 本算法中采取了种群规模为100,同时采用轮盘赌来获取种群。开始使用随机的方法得到初始的种群-the algorithm adopted a population size of 100, using roulette to access populations. Using the stochastic method initial Stocks
- 采用了保优的选择遗传算法 终止条件的判断是:到达一定的代数。可改进为:相邻若干代的种群平均适应值的变化来判断。若相邻若干代的种群平均适应值为变化或者是变化小于某一阈值,表示算法已经收敛,则退出算法。 选择算子:轮盘赌选择; 交叉算子:单点交叉,随机选择计算此适应度值,若大于当前最佳适应度值则降低交叉概率,否则不变; 变异算子:模板,对于优势个体,除采用低概率变异外,变异位置应采取权值越大,变异概率越小的原则,而对劣势个体则相反.,Paul used the choice of excel
- 首次提出利用PSO跟踪动态系统 文献[ 36 ]提出用自适应PSO来自动跟踪动态系统的变化,该方法通过对种群中最好微粒的检测和对微粒重新初始化, 有效增强了PSO对系统变化的跟踪能力-PSO is first used to track the dynamic system literature [36] proposed adaptive PSO with dynamic system to automatically track changes in populations by the
- Vicsek模型的仿真代码 可以用作大规模人群的行为研究-The Vicsek model simulation code can be used as the behavior of large populations
- 实现了一个简单的花朵进化的模拟过程。 花朵的种群数量是10,共进化了50代。 -The realization of a simple simulation of the evolution of flowers. Flower populations is 10, a total of 50 on behalf of evolution.
- PEnna生物模型中的死亡和繁殖规律,运用此规律可以模拟生物种群的数量。-Penna biological model of death and reproduction of the law, the application of this law can simulate the number of biological populations.
- 一系列好用的用户友好的启发式优化算法,包括非自适应算法,基于模拟退火算法的种群算法,基本遗传算法,差分进化算法以及粒子群优化算法。此外,也包括神圣算法,它利用了所有这些优化算子,虽然有时交换种群之间的不同算法。-A nice set of user-friendly heuristic optimizers. Included are a non-adaptive, population based Simulated Annealing algorithm, a basic Genetic A
- 用4个种群来优化函数,每次取三个种群里面的最佳放入第四种群,经过反复迭代后取得函数的最佳值-4 used to optimize the function of populations, each from three of the best stocks inside Add the fourth population, after repeated iterations of the optimal value function
- Short descr iption: GUI Ant-Miner is a tool for extracting classification rules from data. It is an updated version of a data mining algorithm called Ant-Miner (Ant Colony-based Data Miner), which was proposed in 2002 by Parpinelli, Lopes and Freitas
- 利用三种方法解决Volterra的两个种群的生态学问题。-Volterra use three methods to solve the problem of two populations of Ecology.
- GROBOT类似于robocode的编程机器人,然后在虚拟环境里竞赛的东东,这个东西模拟生物种群的行为,非常的有意思,强烈建议下载-GROBOT similar robocode programming robots, and then race in a virtual environment Dongdong, this thing simulate the behavior of biological populations, very interesting, it is strongl
- 采用有限元的方法求解计算捕捉问题predator-prey -program which applies the finite difference method to estimate solutions of a pair of ordinary differential equations that model the behavior of a pair of predator and prey populations.
- 遗传算法源代码,实现了选择操作、交叉操作和变异操作,通过适应度函数完成种群的选择及收敛.-Genetic algorithm source code, to achieve the selection operation, crossover operation and mutation operation, through the completion of the fitness function the choice of populations and convergence.
- 线性非凸多父体杂交算子求解TSP问题。算法将搜索空间看成是一个全空间Ω,种群中的个体可以看作Ω中的一组向量。种群中的若干个向量构成一组基向量,它们可以张成Ω的一个子空间,这些向量随机性组合能相对均匀地搜索这一部分子空间。-Linear non-convex multi-parent crossover operator for solving TSP body problem. Algorithm search space as a full-space Ω, the individual po
- 多父体杂交算法模型。采用实数编码方案,种群种子随即获取。该程序有详细的代码注释,希望对大家有所帮助。-Father of hybrid algorithm for multi-body model. Using real-coded program for populations of seeds immediately. The program has a detailed code comments, want to help everyone.
- 遗传算法,可以实现遗传算法TSP优化,图形显示优化过程。可以设定遗传种群个数、变异率等参数。-Genetic algorithm, genetic algorithm can achieve TSP optimization, graphics optimization process. Can set the number of genetic populations, mutation rates and other parameters.
- 遗传算法入门实例一:PID参数的优化[v1.0] 本文件夹包含: 图片IMG_0084 和IMG_0086为实验照片 IMG_0084为初始种群中某个体的PID调整效果 IMG_0086为进化了N(到底多少代我也没有去数)代之后的PID调整效果 文件GA为正文 源码\GA\ 为实验代码,WINAVR20060421+AVR Studio 4.12-Introduction example of a genetic algorithm: PID parameters optim
- 为求解大规模TSP 问题, 提出了并行人工免疫系统的塔式主从模型(TMSM), 和基于TMSM 的并行免疫记忆克隆选择算法(PIMCSA) TMSM 是粗粒度的两层并行人工免疫模型, 其设计体现了分布式的免疫响应和免疫记忆机制. PIMCSA 用疫苗的迁移代替了抗体的迁移, 兼顾了种群多样性的保持和算法的收敛速度. 与其他算法相比, PIMCSA 在求解精度和运行时间上都更具优势, 而且问题规模越大优势越明显. TMSM 很好地体现了免疫系统的特性, PIMCSA 是适合求解大规模复杂优化问