- Minaret: retiming edge-triggered circuit for improved performance and higher clock frequency by moving combinational logic gates across sequential elements
- This document helps how to programme a fpga using c-slow retiming
- 这篇文章讲述了register retiming技术.这项技术是设计VLSI必须要掌握的技能,另外在基于FPGA设计中,register retiming可以使系统频率上升,提高吞吐量。-This paper describe a register retiming mode for VLSI and FPGA-based design. This mode adopted for design can enhance system throughput and increase system
- 六组定时区间任选,显示剩余时间,时间到声光一直报警,直到重新定时开始或者关机。重新定时时min已清0(使用单片机内部中断定时功能设定时间)。用12864液晶显示有关的定时信息。-Six groups regular intervals Optionally, display remaining time, time to sound and light alarms had been, until re-timed to start or shut down. When retiming min
Deterministic Message Passing Algorithm SCMA in NOMA 5G
- Being an effective non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) technique, sparse code multiple access (SCMA) is promising for future wireless communication. Compared with orthogonal techniques, SCMA enjoys higher overloading tolerance and lower complexity