- 能够从从硬盘 A 搜寻到硬盘 Z 中某个特定文件的控件,能够在设计时刻及运行时刻中运作-from A search from the hard disk drive to Z of a particular document control, to design time and run time operating
- 代入法的启发示搜索 我的代码实现是:按照自然语言各字母出现频率的大小从高到低(已经有人作国统计分析了)先生成一张字母出现频率统计表(A)--------(e),(t,a,o,i,n,s,h,r),(d,l),(c,u,m,w,f,g,y,p,b),(v,k,j,x,q,z) ,再对密文字母计算频率,并按频率从高到低生成一张输入密文字母的统计表(B),通过两张表的对应关系,不断用A中的字母去替换B中的字母,搜索不成功时就回退,在这里回朔是一个关键。 -generation into a
- % COMPDIR Computes a search direction in a subspace defined by Z. % Helper function for NLCONST. % Returns Newton direction if possible. % Returns random direction if gradient is small. % Otherwise, returns steepest descent direction. % I
tuba.rar 禁忌搜索算法的例子程序求解Tsp问题
- 禁忌搜索算法的例子程序求解Tsp问题, The taboo search algorithm example procedure solves the Tsp question
- 字典序问题:在数据加密和数据压缩中常需要对特殊的字符串进行编码。给定的字母表 A 由 26 个小 写英文字母组成 A={a,b,…,z}。该字母表产生的升序字符串是指字符串中字母按照从左到 右出现的次序与字母在字母表中出现的次序相同,且每个字符最多出现 1 次。例如,a,b,ab, bc,xyz 等字符串都是升序字符串。 -search the postion for the given ascend sor string.
- 元搜索引擎代码,非常有用,实现多个源的结果分页输出-Meta search engine code, very useful, the results of multiple source paging output
- symbian下帮助你查找内存泄露的软件,方便小巧,实用。-symbian you search under the help of the software memory leak to facilitate compact and practical.
- 搜索引擎,和MYSQL结和搜索网站的内容,速度极快,可以达到0.00XX秒.-Search engine, and MYSQL node and search site, extremely fast, can be achieved 0.00XX seconds.
- SearchQuick: SearchQuick looks like a light-weight/single-task search tool, however, it is truly incredable since the "Regular Expression" was plugged inside. In computing, Regular Expression provides a flexible means for idntifying strings of text
- 实现数组的相关功能,如查询,求和,求平均值,求最大值最小值,排序,查找等,并且有菜单,适合靠C语言二级证书的,或者初学者-To achieve an array of related functions, such as query, sum, average, seeking maximum minimum, sort, search and so on, and there are menus for relying on C-2 certificates, or beginners
- this a simple search form. uhm i suggest to change its database with your database and also its path. adodc is required!-this is a simple search form. uhm i suggest to change its database with your database and also its path. adodc is required!
- 这个程序可以计算给定点处的小区信号范围覆盖。-is program computes a map of visibility from a selected point on a topography. It has been written to help the search for radio relay best location. Because it considers only direct line of sight, it gives a good estimation for
- Block Matching Algorithms for Motion Estimation This project contains the project report and source code by Aroh Barjatya for Digital Image Processing Class at Utah State University. Following is a short descr iption of the m files in this
- Multiline search and replace in multiple files (Perl)
- 现在给你N个单词和一些查询,请输出提示结果,为了简化这个问题,只需要输出以查询词为前缀的并且按字典序排列的最前面的8个单词,如果符合要求的单词一个也没有请只输出当前查询词。 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 输入 第一行是一个正整数N,表示词表中有N个单词。 接下来有N行,每行都有一个单词,注意词表中的单词可能有重复,请忽略掉重复单词。所有的单词都由小写字母组成。 接下来的一行有一个正整数Q,表示接下来有Q个查询。 接下来Q行,每行有一个单词
- 这个很好,根据索引搜索,从a到z搜索出不同东西-This well, according to an index search, from a to z search out different things
- Problem A: Pouring Water-I guess that everybody can play this game: There are two buckets(水桶). Bucket 1 has the capacity X and bucket 2 has Y liters(升). Then you are asked to measure Z liters of water in one of the two buckets, using the three operat
- 对于给定的N,求出(0,N]区间的所有满足x^2+y^2=z^2的正整数三元组(x,y,z)。-For a certain N, calculate all the group numbers of (x,y,z) that fit the condition of x^2+y^2=z^2.
- Z-Blog-asp版---个人博客源码,对于搜索引擎和二次网站开发都会有很大帮助-Z-Blog-asp version--- personal blog source for search engines and secondary site development will be of great help
- 1、防止重复发贴功能; 2、长英文的断行功能; 3、斑竹回复功能; 4、留言搜索功能; 5、支持分页,可修改每页显示留言数。-1, to prevent duplicate posting function 2, English long line breaks function 3, illustrated reply function 4, message search function 5, support tab, you can modify t