- 这是一个AM 超外差收音机模型的Systemview仿真模型的源代码。-This is a superheterodyne radio AM Systemview model simulation model of the source code.
F113_SYN460R433_PCB 无线发射接收成套原理图和PCB电路图
- 无线发射接收成套原理图和PCB电路图!其中无线发射IC和接收IC是综合考虑了性价比很高的IC!其中超外差接收IC是法国一家公司的内有中文PDF资料,而且此超外差IC现在是市面我所发现的最便宜的超外差接收IC,而且以大批量投产过!-Wireless transmitting and receiving sets of the circuit! In which the wireless transmitter and receiver IC IC is very high considering
- 1.熟悉手工焊锡的常用工具的使用及其维护与修理。 2.基本掌握手工电烙铁的焊接技术,能够独立的完成简单电子产品的安装与焊接。 熟悉电子产品的安装工艺的生产流程。 3.掌握万用表的用法。 4.了解超外差式收音机的组成与工作原理 5.学会各种基本电子元器件的识别与参数判断 6.了解晶体管在电子电路中的用途与用法 -1. Familiar with the common hand-solder the use of tools and maintenanc
- 基于超外差的瞬时测频方法的研究。请多多指教-superheterodyne based on the instantaneous frequency measurement methods. Please exhibitions
- :以系统仿真软件MATLAB中的Sin-mlink软件包为工具,完成了通信系统中超外差接收机的动态仿真,并得到了完整的 仿真结果,总结出了利用Sitmdink进行动态仿真的基本方法和步骤。-: A system simulation software in the MATLAB software package for the Sin-mlink tools, completed a communication system in the dynamic simulation superhe
- This a superheterodyne reciever simulation, created in MATLAB - Simulink. The purpose is to study the effect of perturbations on the imaginary frequence and on the intermmediate frequence, in the context of incoherent demodulation.-This is a superhet
- (一) 模拟线性调制系统仿真分析 包括以下可选内容: 1 常规双边带调幅(AM)与双边带信号 2 AM超外差收音机的仿真 3 单边带调制 4 AM、DSB、SSB信号的解调及抗噪声性能 -(A) analog linear modulation system simulation analysis of the contents of the following options: 1 conventional bilateral with AM (AM) with bil
- 如果你正在使用老式收音机想把其转换为新式收音机,那么此程序正是你想要的,超外差,送给你。-If you are using old-fashioned radio want to convert it to the new radio, then this program is what you want, superheterodyne, to you.
- HX108-2七段数码管超外差式收音机原理分析与组装过程-HX108-2 seven-segment digital tube superheterodyne radio principles of analysis and assembly process
- 调幅中波收音机的接收频率段为550KHz到1605KHz,中频为465KHz。调幅传输模型,对超外差式中波收音机建模-AM medium wave radio frequencies to 550KHz receiver to 1605KHz, IF is 465KHz. AM transmission model, modeling superheterodyne AM radio
- 在信号处理中,信号发射时,信号通过载波,调制,以电磁波的形式发射出来 在接收端,射频信号通过天线接收,超外差式等方式进行处理,变频到中频 然后通过数字技术对中频信号进行处理,此时的中频信号采样率很高,多达几十兆赫 而要解调出来的信号很小,此时就要经过滤波来得到我们需要的信号 如果直接设计滤波器,阶数会非常庞大,软件,硬件设备都承受不了 因此,一般常用的技术是进行下变频处理,其主要技术就是通过抽取滤波进行下变频 常用的滤波器就是CIC抽取, 希望可以帮助一些坛友解决基本的问
- 用matlab simulink实现超外差接收系统的一个测试程序-Using matlab simulink realization of a superheterodyne receiver system test program
- 超外差接收机的matalab功能模块仿真,调幅中波收音机的接收頻率段为550KHz 到605KHz,中频为465KHz-The matalab specialized superheterodyne receivers function modules simulation, am medium-wave radio shows for 550 KHz to receive 605 KHz, intermediate frequency for 465 KHz
- 本文对于收发信机的架构进行的详细的介绍,文中对超外差的架构,零中频收发系统具体实现进行了详细的介绍.-This paper describes ZIF and superheterodyne receiver differential interfaces for the demodulator, IF VGA, mixer, and analog port of the ADC, as well as transmitter differential interfaces betwee
- 介绍发射模块相对应的接收模块常用的有两种:即超再生接收和超外差接收,他们电路的实现原理-Introduction transmitter module corresponding to the receiver module commonly used, there are two: the super-regenerative receiver and a superheterodyne receiver, their circuit principle
- am超外差广播接收机system view 仿真-am superheterodyne radio receiver system view simulation
- 在超外差式接收机中,如果经过混频后得到的中频信号比原始信号的频率低,那么此种混频方式叫做下变频 (Down Converter or DC)。-In the superheterodyne receiver, if after mixing an intermediate frequency signal obtained by frequency lower than the original signal, then this method is called downconversion
- J05E 是一款特小体积,超低功耗,平时输出为零电平(没有干扰)的超外差接收模块,工 作在315M/433.92M 频段。芯片内含稳压电路,具有较宽的工作电压范围 ,芯片高度集成了超外差接收电路的所有功能,具有较高的接收灵敏度和稳定性。芯片杂波辐射指标符合欧洲或北美管理标准。模块天线输入端口增加了微带电感有效提高了抗静电能力,产品一致性比J05U 有很大的提高,引脚功能与 J05U 完全兼容,是 J05U 的升级替换产品。-J05E is a special small size, low
- am超外差广播接收机system view 仿真-am superheterodyne radio receiver system view simulation