- /* 实现效果: 1 2 6 7 15 3 5 8 14 16 4 9 13 17 22 10 12 18 21 23 11 19 20 24 25 */ #include <stdio.h> #define N 5 //阶数,即N*N的螺旋矩阵 void main() { int i, j, num=1, a[N][N]; for(i=0; i<=N/2; i++) &nb
- Version number header file for simple OpenH323 sample T.38 transmitter.
- Fax over VOIP 的 T.38协议的解析.
- From your fax application view point it s a fax modem pool. From IP network view point it s a H.323 endpoint with T.38 fax support. From your view point it s a gateway between a fax application and IP network.
- 扫描仪驱动开发范例 开发范例 说 明 文件名 大小(KB) 更新日期 4a,4b,4c扫描仪的DOS下的驱动及开发范例 4a.zip* 53 1998/09/21 Windows 环境Twain接口开发范例(16位) Twain.zip* 38 1998/09/21 Windows 环境Twain接口开发范例(32位) Twain32.zip* 62 1998/09/21 Windows 环境下扫描仪控制动态链接库(16位) scan16
- 一个包含t.30/T.38协议栈并且支持Asterisk ippbx system的传真解决方案。-The fax solution consists of a T.30/T.38 stack, with an example implementation for Asterisk (including gatewaying support).
- ITU-T T38通信协议-ITU-T T38 communication protocol. . . . . . .
- bandwidth user by t.38 fax ca-bandwidth user by t.38 fax call
- 实现了底层的自我保护和读写注册表功能,编译后ESET NOD32会报病毒-.LOG 13:12 03-9-14 Version 0.1 can write register when program is run. 13:23 03-9-15 Version 0.11 same as v0.1, but reprogrammed by asm, and only use one export symbol : IoCallDriver 8
- T38FAX Pseudo Modem From your fax or voice application view point it s a fax/voice modem pool. From IP network view point it s a H.323 endpoint with T.38 fax support. From your view point it s a gateway between an application and IP network.
- T.38传真,AT modem,传真modemIP传输-T.38 fax, AT modem, fax modemIP transmission
- 广域网质量监控软件,VoIP Monitor 模块帮助您测定与跟踪最需要关注的广域网语音质量性能。-VoIPmonitor is open source network packet sniffer with commercial frontend for SIP SKINNY RTP and RTCP VoIP protocols running on linux. VoIPmonitor is designed to analyze quality of VoIP call based on
- 广东海洋大学图书馆安卓源码可以获取网站(上的图书信息,直接通过get/post模拟浏览器与网站交互,非json或webview方式,获取到返回html字符串再去取里面的元素,本项目的服务端是asp.net写的实现了图书系统的登录查询等,在做与asp.net网站交互的朋友可以看一下,登录部分因为我没有测试帐号所以就没有测试。不过项目很多地方没有做异常处理,返回空数据的时候应用会直接异常停止退出-Guangdong Ocean University L
- 一款基于ATmega168PA/88PA单片机,使用AtmelStudio 6.2开发工具,开发一款学习型遥控器,学习方式是全波拷贝,将38K红外整体进行拷贝,这样不用挑遥控器和哪种协议。另外集成了RF功能,可以配合其它需要使用RF开关灯使用。-A based on ATmega168PA/pa 88 single chip microcomputer, use AtmelStudio 6.2 development tools, developing a learning remote con