- Many users have got used that Windows NT Task Manager shows all processes, and many consider that i s impossible to hide a process from Task Manager. Actually, process hiding is incredibly simple. There are lots of methods available for such a purpos
- 说明: 此演示程序包含六个任务: softclock 软时钟任务 task1 向端口2的每个管脚输出方波的任务 task2 向端口3的每个管脚输出方波的任务 task3 向端口4的每个管脚输出方波的任务 task4 向端口5的每个管脚输出方波的任务 taskled 点亮P1.0上指示灯的任务 6个任务,加上M430/OS的空闲任务,共7个任务,系统开辟了6块堆栈,空闲任务使用main程序的堆栈,空闲任务不保存现场。每块堆栈的大小可以不
- algorithm , tree hash table, b tree, Tas de Fibonnaci-algorithm, tree hash table, b tree, Tas de Fibonnaci
- The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, us
QPSK BER using TAS and MRC
- using TAS to choice appropriate channel and apply MRC at receive side
- 基于数据库设计一个网页,实现基本功能:增删改、查询、统计报表的功能要有.管理信息-A. General Queries- The system should be able to retrieve useful data stored in the database. B. Statistics Collection- The system should be able to generate useful statistics information. C. Modification of D
- 自动温度控制系统 以LabVIEW可视化图形编程开发环境为平台,使用声卡和温度传感器加外围电路,测量和显示外部温度变化,并控制风扇和加热丝进行相关操作,使一定空间范围内的温度保持基本恒定。-Automatic temperature control system for visualization LabVIEW graphical programming development environment for the platform, the use of sound and tempe
- spring定时器设置,用心良苦,O(∩_∩)O哈!-spring timer settings, well-intentioned, O (∩ _ ∩) O Ha!
- 编译器Borland Turbo Assembler and Tools 5.0-Borland Turbo Assembler and Tools 5.0
- 这是j2me开发的贪吃蛇游戏,使用的软件平台是wtk。-This is a Snake game j2me development, software platform used is wtk.
- 应用多权值神经网络方法对静态手势进行识别, 对手势字母图像采用傅里叶描述子提取特征信息, 取低频信息成分构建成犯维特征向量, 并应用多权值神经网络的算法, 构建各类的神经元网络-W ith th e develo Pm en t of hu m an eom p uter intera etion te ehn olo盯, th e h as been b ased on an im P o rt a n t tas k fo r U r o n s diseu ssion
- Apple Onboard Audio driver for tas codec driver for Linux.
- This the program used to generate below table. -This is the program used to generate below table.
- Apple Onboard Audio driver for tas codec.
- The tables here are derived the tas3004 datasheet, for Linux v2.13.6. -The tables here are derived the tas3004 datasheet, for Linux v2.13.6.
- TASK ABORTED status (TAS) bit support.
- BER/Pout Performance of Downlik of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Multiple-Antenna Relaying Networks TAS/MRC-BER/Pout Performance of Downlik of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Multiple-Antenna Relaying Networks TAS/MRC
- 有关tas2555数字功放部分代码,实现单片机操作(The code of tas digital power amplifier realizes the operation of single chip microcomputer)
- FISTA My implementation of an Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm on MATLAB. Based on the implementation discussed in: Beck, Amir, and Marc Teboulle. Fast Gradient-Based Algorithms for Constrained Total Variation Image Denoising and