- FFT的经典实现,三重循环的蝶形运算,适合于硬件实现的软件版本,在Xilinx的Vivado仿真器下编译通过-Classic implementation of FFT software version is suitable for hardware implementation in Xilinx Vivado emulator compiled by
- VIVADO下使用verilog编码的axi fifo的简单使用,仿真通过,供初学者学习。-Use the following VIVADO verilog coding axi fifo simple to use, through simulation, for beginners to learn.
- xilinxFPGAROM32*1原语的使用,vivado工程,含有仿真测试文件Testbench,添加地址寄存器,能够按址寻找你所存储的数据,仿真一目了然,对初学者甚好,verilog语言实现该功能。-xilinxFPGAROM32* 1 primitive use, vivado engineering, simulation test file containing Testbench, add an address register, Anzhi can find the data yo
- 源码仿真 乒乓 缓存,实现数据流的传输,含有仿真测试文件,vivado工程。-Source simulation ping-pong cache data stream transmission, the file containing the simulation test, vivado project.
- 用VIVADO软件编写的,实现以太网芯片88E1510中的mdio控制模块代码,并且含有VIO仿真文件-Written in VIVADO software, the realization of the Ethernet chip 88 e1510 mdio control module of code, and contains the VIO simulation file
- 基于verilog HDL的数字正交解调FPGA实现,仿真结果验证正确,IDE为vivado 2014- U57FA u4E8Everilog HDL u7684 u6570 u5B57 u6B63 u4EA4 u89E3 u8C03 u5B9E u73B0 uFF0C u4EFF u771F u7ED3 u679C u9A8C u8BC1 u6B3 u786E uFF0CIDE u4E3Avivado 2014
- 基于verilog HDL的数字正交(调制)FPGA实现,仿真结果验证正确。vivado 2014- U57FA u4E8Everilog HDL u7684 u6570 u5B57 u6B63 u4EA4 uFF08 u8C03 u5236 uFF09FPGA u5B9E u73B0 uFF0C u4EFF u771F u7ED3 u679C u9A8C u8BC1 u6B63 u786E u3002vivado 2014
- I2C从机模块,包含testbench,平台是vivado,仿真测试通过。(I2C slave module, including testbench, the platform is vivado, simulation test passed.)
- vivado设计流程指导文件,里面包含有软件安装流程以及仿真流程(Vivado design flow guidance document, which contains software installation process and simulation process)
- 多周期CPU的verilog代码,用vivado可以仿真出波形(multi-cycle CPU by verilog and using vivado to simulate.)
- 两个8*8矩阵相乘,每个矩阵内部元素相同,简化运算;modelsim编译仿真,ise或vivado下载,实现FPGA显示。(Two 8*8 matrix multiplication, each element of the same matrix, simplifying the operation; Modelsim compiler simulation, ISE or vivado download, to achieve FPGA display.)
- Xilinx自己出的仿真设计指导,使用vivado工具必备参考资料。(The Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide provides a general overview of designing Field Programmable Gate Array devices using a Hardware Descr iption language. It includes design hints for the novice HDL user, as w
- vivado的入门教程,从工程创建到简单的系统搭建,以及sim仿真,都详细的以图片的形式给出,适合初学者(Vivado tutorial, from engineering creation to simple system building, and sim simulation, are detailed in the form of pictures given, suitable for beginners)
- 用于国密4的加解密算法实现,采用verilog 语言,可进行vivado仿真,vivado版本是2013,结果经测试正常,适合从事相关行业的工作人员进行借鉴和开发。(The code is realized and simulated by verilog. The simulation result has been confirmed by the author. It is recommended to download by the researchers who are in the
lab1 Vivado Design Flow
- 适用于对verilog语言的初步学习,本文本就对RTL的编写,功能仿真,实现,布线,综合,以及生成比特流等环节进行了初步的描述。适合初学者学习。(For the preliminary study of Verilog language)
- 基于vivado与MATLAB联合仿真,实现FM立体声广播,通过simulink的仿真以及Dps平台的帮助,可以直接下板运行(simulation basing on vivadao and matlab)
- 在vivado中调用SDRAM的IP核,并通过数据的读入,读出,验证IP核的使用,文件中有仿真结果时序图。(In the vivado call SDRAM IP core, and read through the data, read, verify the use of IP kernel, the file has simulation results sequence diagram.)
Verilog HDL使用中该注意的问题及一些模块代码
- cpu仿真,提供vivado上的cpu仿真生成文件(cpu simulated,but no one can get 20 words in this short file how can I do? just tell you the simulated file and vivado system is 2015)
- 基于verilog HDL的BPSK解调的FPGA实现,仿真结果验证良好。IDE为vivado 2014( U57FA u4E8Everilog HDL u7684BPSK u89E3 u8C03 u7684FPGA u5B9E u73B0 uFF0C u4EFF u771F u7ED3 u679C u9A8C u8BC1 u826F u597D u3002IDE u4E3Avivado 2014)
- ALINX7010 ddr3读写测试仿真实验官方教程 附说明和代码 Vivado 实现(Alinx7010 DDR3 read write test simulation experiment official course Descr iption and code attached Vivado implementation)