- Voronoi test diagram
- Dijkstra算法,关于 Dijkstra算法解决voronoi图的问题,用 Dijkstra算法解决voronoi图中求解最短路径的时候,有一个"dijkstra.m"的文件-Dijkstra algorithm voronoi diagram on Dijkstra algorithm to solve the problem, using Dijkstra algorithm to solve voronoi diagram for solving the shortest path,
- How to use the ordinary Voronoi partition generator. The m-files also have their own help documentation that you can view in Matlab. This code creates a bounding polygon that is a square. Then it randomly creates 10 points and then creates and
- This function compute the individual Voronoi cell area of point sets bounded in a unit circle. Inputs: x : M x 1 array of x-coordinates y : M x 1 array of y-coordinates toggleplot : 1 to turn on figures, 0 to turn off figures; Outputs: CellArea