- Localisation Form translates most text properties (Caption, Hint, TStrings and embedded TCollection items) of the components found in the instantiated forms of the application at run-time.
- 可以实现网络新闻的查看,下载,随时接触各个频道的内容-This C++ code example demonstrates how to localise an application to adapt to the selected phone language. The example application has two sets of localised strings (English and German) for the application name, labels, tex
- Recognition of numbers on post envelopes. Does not depend on the sizes of figure. Localisation of black areas of the image, and then their recognition is made. In archive there are examples of images. The program also can generate pictures of post nu
- skin localisation with hull convex
- It is a graphical user interface for avoustic source localisation. It uses an imote2 wireless sensor with four microphone to determine the acoustic source coordinate with the TDOA methode.
- It is a graphical user interface for avoustic source localisation. It uses an imote2 wireless sensor with four microphone to determine the acoustic source coordinate with the TDOA methode. The link between the host pc and the imote is
LFSohaib_ only RSS single point
- Indoor localization fingerprinting
- 人眼中心定位是一个用于眼部追踪的算法,C++语言实现,依赖OpenCV库。 关于代码的编译,提供了CMakeLists.txt文件,同时支持Windows,Linux和Mac OS X。 该项目从网络摄像头读取视频,进行人脸检测,再根据检测到的人脸图像截取左眼和右眼的ROI区域,最后根据截取到的ROI进行眼球中心检测与跟踪。所以算法的主要包含三个部分:人脸检测,ROI截取,眼球中心定位。(The estimation of the eye centres is used in sever