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- 枚举法(穷举法) “笨人之法”: 把所有可能的情况一一测试,筛选出符合条件的各种结果进行输出。 【例一】百元买百鸡:用一百元钱买一百只鸡。已知公鸡5元/只,母鸡3元/只,小鸡1元/3只。 分析: 这是个不定方程——三元一次方程组问题(三个变量,两个方程) x+y+z=100 5x+3y+z/3=100 设公鸡为x-enumeration method (exhaustive) "Benren Regulation" : all po
- Queen and King 問題 : does some checking related to the movement of the queen. -Queen and King : does some checking related to the movement of th e queen.
- when detect the bit meet, then set th bit in bit map-bit when detect the meet, then set th bit in bit map
- If you ve ever had listviews where some of the column headings would display better on multiple lines, this article is for you!-If you ve ever had listviews where some of th e column headings would display better on multi ple lines, this article is f
- 我的msn的好友,国外的一个资深人士编写的HTML syntax highlighting with the Rich Edit control-my msn friends, foreign experts who prepared an HTML syntax highlighting with th e Rich Edit control
- 新的问题出现了:对于一般的最大最小搜索,即使每一步只有很少的下法,搜索位置的数目也会随着搜索深度呈级数级增长。在大多数的中局棋形中,每步平均有十种下法,假设电脑搜索九步(程序术语称为搜索深度为九),就要搜索十亿个位置(十的九次方),这样极大地限制了电脑的棋力:我们总不能忍受电脑棋手一年才下一步棋。减少搜索结点的最简单的方法是减小搜索深度,但这大大影响了电脑棋手的棋力。是否有办法在不减小搜索深度的前提下将需要搜索的结点减小一些?幸运的是,可以证明,程序不需要考虑所有的位置而找到最佳点,于是人们采
- // This a conglomeration of ideas from the MSJ \"Webster\" application, // sniffing round the online docs, and from other implementations such // as PJ Naughter s \"CTrayIconifyIcon\" (http://indigo.ie/~pjn/ntray.html) // especially the \"CTray
- The JICQ is the bureau area which JAVA writes according to \"Customer s Machine/Server\"(C/S) mode message solid hour correspond by letter tool system, the system adopted the SQL Server2000 of Microsoft company as a backstage database, the system pas
- This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up you
- This program demonstrates how to draw on the client area, it also demonstrates how to use the mouse messages. I think the best way to learn programming is programming, so, let s begin our program now.-This program demonstrates how to draw on th e cli
- 寻最小支配集,用DP,复杂度是2^8 比2^150次方快多了-find the smallest dominating set with the DP, complexity is 2 ^ 2 ^ than eight 150-th power much quicker
- Computes the hafnian of a nonnegative integer matrix. Notes: Copy hafnian.c to main.c, in the same directory as Rothberg s code (see above). You can download the .tar directory with the code weighted-match.tar here. Then \"make\" the codes (this code
- Program to simulate Rayleigh fading using a p-th order autoregressive model AR(p) according to % Baddour s work: \"Autoregressive modeling for fading channel simulation\"-Program to simulate using Rayleigh fading a p-th order autoregressive model
- (1) This pin may function as either a JTAG port or a user I/O pin. If the device is configured to use the JTAG ports for in-system programming, this pin is not available as a user I/O pin. (2) The user I/O pin count includes dedicated input pins
- Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service withou
- 1.left.aspx下部分实现了读取RDF(RDF format feeds,是描述web资源的W3C XML格式)格式的feeds,可点击第三条“RDF Test”进行对比。 RDF与普通XML的主要区别是它的根节点下是<items>,而不是<channel>。 2.运行时,需要根据自己的机子改变RssReader.cs中的 String connStr = @\"Data Source=6998D47256954C1\\SQLEXPRESS
- CMNCTRL2 Sample: Demonstrates Common Control MFC Classes, Part 2 The CMNCTRL2 sample illustrates how to use the following common control MFC classes: CProgressCtrl, CSliderCtrl, and CSpinButtonCtrl. It shows how the controls are created and how
- -- Booth Multiplier -- This file contains all the entity-architectures for a complete -- k-bit x k-bit Booth multiplier. -- the design makes use of the new shift operators available in the VHDL-93 std -- this design passes the Synplify
- In this paper we propose to reduce the textural components by modelling the coefficients of a wedgelet based regression tree instead of the original pixel intensities-In this paper we propose to reduce the textu the acidic components by modelin
- 一个带有根节点查询功能的树形控件的VC编程实例-th e solid model with an inquiry of the tree controls the programming examples VC