- modelsim_se_tutorThis is a set of notes I put together for my Computer Architecture class in 1990. Students had a project in which they had to model a microprocessor architecture of their choice. They used these notes to learn VHDL. The notes c
- This book is about the management of business processes. This is certainly not a new topic. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, it has been written about from every possible point of view—economic, sociological, psychological, acc
- 人类的历史是一部文明与蒙昧交织,苦难与幸福并存的发展史。一幕幕鲜活的重大事件勾勒出人类演进的坎坷之旅,弹奏出历史惊心动魄、跌宕起伏的铿锵旋律。本书力图通过简胆的体例、精练的文字,新颖的版式、精美的图片等多种要素的有机结合,全方位、多角度地再现世界历史发展的全过程,让历史具备了可观赏性、可触摸感,让读者在有限的时间里获得丰富的历史知识和视觉信息。 世界通史,再现世界历史的掌上博物馆,展示人类文明的艺术殿堂。通俗易懂的文字摒弃了历史读物以往刻板沉闷的面孔,生动的故事性使世界历史变得更加鲜活真切,充满
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Unix Network Programming Volume 1,Third Edition Th
- Unix Network Programming Volume 1,Third Edition The Sockets Networking API