- 信息共享:建成体系完整、互联互通的电子政务网络系统和国土资源政务系统共建共享的信息资源库; 无缝集成:标准化OA、MIS和GIS的有机集成; B/S结构:实现远程办公办文、远程带图作业,维护简单、安装方便 信息发布:通过WEBGIS在互联网上图文并茂的发布土地出让、转让,土地拍卖,土地登记、用地手续、矿产手续等各类信息。 二次开发:以平台为基础建立的各类应用,可以方便的进行二次开发,满足业务的各种变化需要。-information sharing : to build a com
- 程序实现了在液压锻造系统界面上的温度、压力、电机速度的检测与控制,程序经工程证实可用,程序开发平台vc-program in forging hydraulic system interfaces on the temperature, pressure, electrical speed detection and control, confirmed by the procedure works can be used, program development platform vc
- sms平台开发开发的开发开发中国移动连同电信哈哈就是就是这个安放的 挨饿司法去-frantically platform development, the developed together with the development of China's mobile telecommunications is only in this place is justice to the starving
- winmm.dll文件在windows平台运用,在编译C++时使用 -winmm.dll document windows platform in use in the use of C Compiler
- mspdb60.dll文件,windows平台下运行,编译时使用-mspdb60.dll documents, running under windows platform, the use of compiler
- 本程序完成的是MATLAB平台下FIR滤波器设计的GUI界面,通过简单的输入参数,我们即可进行FIR滤波器的设计。-This procedure is done under the MATLAB platform for FIR filter design of the GUI interface, using a simple input parameters, we can carry out FIR filter design.
- 本程序在MATLAB平台上实现了IIR滤波器的GUI设计,通过输入参数,即可在友好的界面上完成IIR滤波器的设计。-The program implemented on MATLAB platform GUI design of IIR filters, through the input parameters, can be completed in a friendly interface for IIR filter design.
- 是EVC的控件演示,可以运行在WinCE5.0的软件平台上,可以直接编译通过。-EVC control is demonstrated, can run in WinCE5.0 software platform, you can directly compile.
- 该程序运行平台是VS 2005。这个小程序是windows编程中编辑框和组合框的综合实例,是一个选择水果的窗口,当选择一种后,用户的选择会在下面显示出来-The program runs platform is VS 2005. This little program is windows programming combo box edit box and a comprehensive example of the window is a choice of fruit, when you
- 在MFC平台环境下,用C++编写的关于滚动条和对话框背景颜色的程序。-In the the MFC platform environment with C++ write on the scroll bar and the background color of the dialog box program.
- 这是一款基于android平台的消除类游戏宝石迷阵,制作有点简陋,代码上传供大家学习-This is an android platform based elimination game Bejeweled, making a bit shabby, code upload for everyone to learn
- 乐享微信平台接口代码,直接上传到自己的空间获取地址复制到微信公众平台,token为你自己写的token值--Fun in the micro-letter platform interface code, upload it directly to their own space for address public platform copied to the micro-letter token for your own token value
- 实现了在qt平台下控制摄像头进行录像,照相的功能 -Implements in the qt platform control video camera, camera function
- LabVIEW ( Laboratory Virtual Instrument contraction Engineering Workbench ) is the heart of a platform measuring system design and control, based on a graphical development environment of National Instruments .
- Win32平台可以同时支持多种不同的协议,本程序可以获取系统支持的网络协议及其特征-Win32 platform can support a variety of different protocols at the same time, the program can get system supported network protocols and their features,,
- 本文件提供了用VC++,net作为开发平台的开发专业项目的原代码,-This document provides the use of vc++ and.net as a development platform for the development of professional project of the original code,
- 本文件提供了用VC++,net作为开发平台的开发专业项目的原代码,-This document provides the use of vc++ and.net as a development platform for the development of professional project of the original code,
- 基于omnet++仿真平台令牌环的仿真,源码用c++编写,可在dos和vc环境下编译,-Simulation, based on the simulation platform omnet++ token ring source code written in c++, available in DOS and compile vc environment,
- A multimedia platform and can be used for video conference and network teaching and so on, is divided into client and server two
- 该程序是在vc平台下开发的,详尽的介绍了菜单的制作,包括下拉式菜单和弹出式菜单(The program is developed in vc platform, detailed introduces the menu, including drop-down menus and pop-up menu)