- 这是一个可以实用的通用破解软件时间限制的程序源码,基本原理是在软件运行的前几秒钟里将系统时间设置为软件容许你使用的可用时间,使用时将编译的可执行文件和ExeInfo.ini文件放到要运行的软件的目录里,运行编译的可执行文件就可用启动要运行的软件。运行前需要设置ExeInfo.ini文件,说明如下: EXENAME 为要破解的软件的执行程序名 GAP=5000 为设置成可用时间的时间长度,毫秒为单位 INCTIME=Y 是否每次运行都增大可用时间(有些软件会检测可用时间必须大于上次运行时间) DA
sd2000全系列 51汇编程序
- 本程序用于测试实时时钟模块SD2000系列功能之一:四种中断功能 程序功能如下: 1.在SD2000试验板上显示实时时间的小时和分钟? 2./INT1 到指定时刻时输出低电平. 3./INT2输出固定频率32768HZ. 4.测试每分钟边沿中断输出(INT MODE3)和每分钟固定中断输出(INT MODE4)功能-procedures used to test the real-time clock module SD2000 series of functional one : four i
- uml课程设计的题目。软件学院的。、 内容就是如题目的样子了……、-uml curriculum design topic. Software Institute. , As if the subject is the look of
- 酒店管理系统,pb+sql,无密码包括如同堂堂吧 323-hotel management system, pb sql, including passwords without it as a dignified 323
- 潘爱民一书《com原理与应用》源代码,也可以作为VC学习及COM知识中绝好材料,-Pan Aimin a book, "Theory and Application com" source code, or as a COM VC learning and knowledge excellent material,
- 内部排序算法,此程序包含了基本的排序算法,并对各个算法的性能做了相应的分析-internal sorting algorithm, which includes the basic sorting algorithm, as well as the performance of various algorithms do the corresponding analysis
- Flash 5 作品,展现漂亮的魔界的魔花!编程做到的景象就是比较奇妙。 此源码作为学习研究用-works its way beautiful display of the magic flower! Programming is done more intriguing picture. This source used as a study and research
- 数据库设计2.页面的设计与开发3.小结第8章在线考试系统 161 实例分析 161 1. 系统设计2.系统功能预览知识要点 167 制作步骤 168 1 ... 利用简单的HTML代码与脚本 融合而成的ASP技术可以开发强大的Web应用程序,例如数据库的存取、文件的访问、计数器的 -2 database design. Page Design and Development 3. Summary Chapter 8 Online Examination System 161 Case Analy
- 原代码泄露? 用webclass 来做,就不用考虑原代码泄露这个问题了。 4.求教,有谁知道 网页上的股市行情的定时刷新是怎么实现的吗? ... 问:就是想得到,像这个论坛里显示贴 子大小的方法,如(192 Bytes) 答:ADO中Field对象的ActualSize属性7-leaked source code used webclass do, I have not divulged the original source of this problem. 4. Pay him, who k
- 本软件是集成式的输入平台,是一个输入法整合软件,除了本有的拼音输入外,可以挂接 各种形码输入方案,如五笔98、86、郑 ... 由于使用只有50多K的单线矢量字库,从体积而 言是目前最小的汉字系统,当然显示效果会打个折扣,直接键入xzl.com进行加载即可。 -the software is integrated platform for the importation of an input method integration software, in addition to the imp
- 对linux内核的一个全面的概述性文档,可用作linux kernel的入门引导,而且是中文的。-right of a comprehensive overview of sexual documents, Linux kernel can be used as the entry guide, but in Chinese.
- JILRuntime A general purpose, register based virtual machine (VM) that supports object-oriented features, reference counting (auto destruction of data as soon as it is no longer used, no garbage collection), exceptions (handled in C/C++ or virtual ma
- FISMAT accommodates different arithmetic operators, fuzzification and defuzzification algorithm, implication relations, and different method of approximate reasoning such as Compositional Rule of Inference (CRI) and Approximate Analogical Reasoning S
- 此文件为一种液晶显示模块驱动芯片 为台湾陵阳的-this document as a LCD driver chip modules for the Taiwan Lingyang
- 此文件为一种触摸屏的使用质料 及芯片质料-this document as a touch screen material and the use of chip material
- 用C语言编写的时间年份程序,只要你输入一个数后,便可以马上看到结果.-C language prepared by the time the year procedures, as long as you enter a number, they can immediately see the result.
- TOYFDTD1 is a stripped-down minimalist, 3D FDTD code demonstrating the basic tasks in implementing a simple 3D FDTD simulation. An idealized rectangular waveguide is modeled by treating the interior of the mesh as free space and enforcing PEC conditi
- The code assumes a two-dimensional computational domain with TMz polarization (i.e., non-zero field Ez, Hx, and Hy). The program is currently written so that the incident field always strikes the lower-left corner of the total-field region first. (If
gps 卫星定位源吗
- 这个是一个vb编的GPS程序的源代码,呵呵希望对大家会有所帮助!-this a vb series of the GPS program's source code, as long as you will want to help!
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