我的资源 搜索软件 源程序
- 文件名称:新曦 我的资源 搜索软件 源程序(Borland Delphi 7)说明-file names : I asked for a new search resources source software (Borland Delphi 7) Descr iption
UDF文件系统 源码
- Abstract:Universal Disk Format is a file system specification defined by Optical Storage Technology Association, One objective of UDF is to replace the ISO9660 file system. Introduce the characteristics of UDF file system, describe UDF file system’
- ****************************************Copyright (c)************************************************** ** Guangzhou ZHIYUAN electronics Co.,LTD. ** ** http://www.zyinside.com ** **--------------File Info----------------------------------------------
exfat file system
- exfat file system
memoryleak project
- The file is about memory leak detect source code .
- FileSnoop 用 Delphi 6 编写。可以运行在Windows 9x/Me,NT 4.0,2000和XP。FileSnoop 使你快速获得文件的所有基本信息。对于每一种类型的文件,它最多可以提供四种视图来察看:信息视图,格式化视图,文本视图和十六进制视图。 信息视图除提供基本的文件信息(如类型、属性)外,还根据不同的文件类型提供其特定的信息内容。如图像文件会包含图像的高度和宽度以及其它的详细信息。格式化视图只针对某些文件有用,包括.rtf,.html,.avi和各种声音、位图和图标文件
File Encryption
- the file encryption programme.
- Save file names on folder onto text file, vb
- Anonymous GIT Access This project can be checked out through anonymous access with the following command (use the dos prompt if on a windows machine). git clone https://github.com/OpenSees/OpenSees.git If you wish to check out a secific releas