- php-Unicode 轉換 this A number of minor inconveniences-2008-08-26- v0.1.2 * This release resolves an issue with Unicode_String::ToLower(). A number of minor inconveniences (such as errors in the documentation) were also fixed. All unquot
- 包含了点的基本运算 1. 平面上两点之间距离 2. 判断两点是否重合 3. 矢量叉乘 4. 矢量点乘 2 5. 判断点是否在线段上 2 6. 求一点饶某点旋转后的坐标 2 7. 求矢量夹角 2 ㈡ 线段及直线的基本运算 1. 点与线段的关系 3 2. 求点到线段所在直线垂线的垂足 3. 点到线段的最近点 4. 点到线段所在直线的距离 5. 点到折线集的最近距离 6. 判断圆是否在多边形内 5 7. 求
- 题目是:max f (x1, x2) = 21.5 + x1• sin(4pi*x1) + x2• sin(20pi*x2) s.t. -3.0 < = x1 < = 12.1 4.1 < = x2 < = 5.8- Topic is: max f (x1, x2) = 21.5+ x1 • sin (4pi* x1)+ x2 • sin (20pi* x2) st-3.0 < = x1 < = 12.1 4.1 <