- 本软件使用C#开发基于IEC61499标准的功能块图(FBD)编辑软件,可做为PLC,DCS,或者逻辑电路仿真编辑软件。-use of the software development based on the C# IEC61499 standard function block diagram (FBD) editing software, the types of PLC, DCS, or logic circuit simulation editing software.
- CoordDemo是为了验证3点定位算法的一个演示程序,该应用程序基本完成了如下功能:打开图片;图片的漫游;输入3点POI坐标,确定整个图片上各个点的逻辑坐标;根据输入的逻辑坐标,在图片上显示所在位置;新建一个POI,修改POI,删除POI等等功能。-CoordDemo to verify 3:00 positioning algorithm of a demo program, the application process completed the following functions
- 源码包含了常见的图像形态学算法,如图像基本逻辑运算,阈值分割,边缘处理,孔洞填充等-source contains common morphological image algorithms, such as images basic logic operations, thresholding segmentation, edge, openings fill in the blanks
- README for Picturebrowser ========================= The modified files are included as listed in the final report: -alt_ypes.h : header file for io.h -nxview.c: modified this existing, to time the running time of the display -picturebrowser
- 如何让CDC上输出的文字、图形具有保持功能,集合类CPtrArray的使用,CPaintDC与CClientDC的区别与应用,OnPaint与OnDraw在CView中的关系及实现内幕,滚动窗口的实现,坐标空间,映射方式,设备坐标与逻辑坐标的转换。元文件设备描述表的使用,如何利用兼容DC实现图形的保存和再现。-CDC on how to output text, graphics help maintain function, Set Class CPtrArray use, CPaintDC
- 图像合成算法。将两幅图像以影差法融合。包括图像的各种与或逻辑运算。-Image synthesis algorithms. The two images to video integration difference method. Including a variety of images and or logic operation.
- This is one document File.I write a logic of to convert Color EmF to grayscale EMF file.It is very helpful .-This is one document File.I write a logic of to convert Color EmF to grayscale EMF file.It is very helpful .
- 图像加减运算和逻辑运算,包括与,或,非,或非,与非,异或运算-Image addition and subtraction and logic operations, including AND, OR, non, non, non, XOR
- 模糊算法具有很强的数学逻辑性,将其用于图像处理中图像增强的研究-Fuzzy algorithm has a strong mathematical logic, to image enhancement for image processing research
- UcBall是通过GDI+绘制封装的图片控件。UcBallConnection 是 UcBall的一个集合,首先在UcBall里面封装了一个单击事件,它可以实现用户所需要的逻辑,同样UcBallConnection也实现了事件、属性等封装及暴露,可以给用户自行设定UcBallConnection里面UcBall的总个数,每行显示多少个-UcBall is encapsulated by GDI+ to draw a picture control. UcBallConnection is UcB
- windows API GDI 写的简单的 拼图游戏 只把所有功能都实现了 开始菜单细节方面没做,逻辑方面确定没有问题!-windows API GDI to write a simple jigsaw puzzle only to realize all the functions are the details of the start menu did not do, there is no logic to determine the problem!
- 采用程序设计软件WIN-TC编写程序,本系统主要用于学校学生信息管理,其主要任务是用计算机对学生各种信息进行日常管理,如查询、修改 、清空、删除,针对这些要求设计了学生信息管理系统,本系统程序有图形界面函数、逻辑函数、输入输出函数、数据结构 函数、存储函数等函数组成。此外,系统采取类似于WINDOWS操作系统的界面,并有操作提示,易于用户的使用,有良好的人机交互功能。-The WIN-TC, the programming software, programming, this system i
- C#画曲线图,很强大的一个曲线,有各种的选择,逻辑性很强的一个程序,可以作为学习工作用途。-C# draw curve, a very strong curve, there are a variety of choice, the strong logic of a program can be used as study and work purposes.
- 利用VC++ 的GDI+做的一个小游戏项目,类似苹果机。游戏主要逻辑: 按下F1的时候系统随机生成分数和位置,每种分数的出现的次数不一样,其中 5分 10 3分 20 2分 30 1分 20 然后在根据分数分配位置,当在图这中相同的分数有多个时,随机分配位置(每个位置出现的次数是一样的), 游戏开始的位置随机,第一次、第三次旋转的次数随机,第二次旋转的次数根据m_endpos,m_startPos,第一次旋转次数,
- 绘制车辆电气原理图。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。并生成逻辑-Drawn vehicle electrical schematics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And generate logic
- 设备坐标与逻辑坐标,窗口与视口,各种映射模式,绘图-device coordinate convert to logic coordinate, window & viewport
- HGE is an easy to use yet powerful hardware accelerated 2D game engine. It is a full featured middleware for all who want to develop commercial quality 2D games rapidly and easily. It covers all imaginable 2D game genres: you could create everything
- 8位加法器的verilog实现。VHDL,单片机开发程序,数字逻辑与处理器基础实验,你懂d。-8 adder verilog implementation. VHDL, MCU development program, the digital logic and processor basic experiment, you know d.
- MFC自绘入门材料,提供了一个能画出当前时间的时钟文件,逻辑简单,易懂。-MFC self-painted entry materials, providing a time clock can draw current document, the logic is simple, easy to understand.
- Classification of hydrometeors based on polarimetric radar measurements Development of fuzzy logic and neuro-fuzzy systems, and in situ verification