- 图象处理,提供了效率高的图象软件,其中包含有图象基本图元的处理-image processing, provides a highly efficient image software, which includes a basic image processing map yuan
- 一个简单的绘图程序,它实现了基本图元的移动、拉伸等功能,十分适合初学者。-a simple drawing program, it plans to achieve the basic mobile yuan, tensile and other functions, is suitable for beginners.
- 一个小型的绘图程序,用VC实现的,可以用来绘制GIS中的基本图元。-a small drawing program, with the VC can be used to map the basic GIS map yuan.
- 一款图形绘制的练习软件,可以保存文档,画直线\\圆等,显示鼠标在屏幕上的位置-graphic mapping exercise software, we can preserve documents, paintings linear \\ Yuan, revealed the mouse on the screen location
- 一个显示emf文件的程序。可以显示增加元文件。-a show catalog file. It shows an increase of yuan document.
- 基本思路: 1、 按下左键,创建新的图元类实例; 2、 跟踪鼠标移动修改图元,获得所见即所得的视觉效果; 3、 松开左键,绘制结束。-basic ideas : 1, press the button to create a new category map yuan examples; 2, track mouse movement to amend the map yuan, access WYSIWYG visual effects; 3, loose button, rendering
- 此程序主要为利用C语言实现圆的扫描转换及实现,需要一定的理论知识。-The procedure for the use of C language Yuan and the scan conversion, which requires certain theoretical knowledge.
- Windows图形编程(英文),留美学者袁峰的一本绝嘉好书.我好不容易才找到,还买了此书的中文版.此书深入api,windows内部核心数据结构,direct核心数据结构,gui编程,字体结构. 强烈推荐-Windows graphical programming (English), the holder of the scholar Yuan Feng-chia never a good book. I finally find, but also bought a book of the
- 使用Visual C++ 6.0 开发的史密斯圆图演示程序。类CSmithChart为圆图类,其方法包括确定圆图范围,计算归一化阻抗,放射系数,画X圆,画R圆等。-6.0 using Visual C development of the Smith Chart Demonstration Program. Class CSmithChart round of graphs, including a round map to determine the scope of the calculat
- 用VC编写的常用的图形学算法,进行了文档处理,并能进行图元拾取。算法没有优化,是教学演示用的。-VC prepared by the graphics algorithm commonly used for the file handling, and can be picked up for map yuan. No optimization algorithm is used to demonstrate the teaching.
- win图元文件的中文说明-win map documents the Chinese yuan note
- 手工计算的三维圆台 放弃一切3dmax,mayer... 的帮助. 朋友们,试试返璞归真的感觉把-manual calculation of 3D Yuan Taiwan to abandon all 3Dmax, mayer ... help. Friends, the feeling is just try to put
- 如何让CDC上输出的文字、图形具有保持功能,集合类CPtrArray的使用,CPaintDC与CClientDC的区别与应用,OnPaint与OnDraw在CView中的关系及实现内幕,滚动窗口的实现,坐标空间,映射方式,设备坐标与逻辑坐标的转换。元文件设备描述表的使用,如何利用兼容DC实现图形的保存和再现。-CDC on how to output text, graphics help maintain function, Set Class CPtrArray use, CPaintDC
- 模仿windows画图,实现放大缩小、矩形、元、直线、椭圆等-Paint windows imitate achieve Zoom, rectangular, Yuan, a straight line, oval, etc.
- Source codes for Feng Yuan s book "Windows Graphics Programming. Win32 GDI and DirectDraw"
- Windows图形编程 附书源代码作者:Feng Yuan -This book is about Windows graphics programming using Win32 GDI API, with an introduction to DirectDraw, and an even more brief introduction to Direct3D Immediate Mode. It covers common features implemented on all Win32
- 时下视频聊天几乎成了网吧老板们制胜的法宝,自己的软件嵌入视频通信方式又显得那么酷,而一个摄像头只需要百来块钱。本软件功能上可以实现视频采集、预览,选择压缩器(视频文件可是大得惊人!)进行压缩、解压,回放。抓取单帧图片保存等。 -Video chat now the owners of Internet cafes has become a magic weapon to win their own means of communication software, embedded video s
- 可以实现ATM自动取款机的基本功能。转帐,存款,存款可以分100到500提取,最高到2000元。查询帐单。-ATM automated teller machine can achieve the basic functions. Transfers, deposits, savings can be sub-100-500 extraction, up to 2,000 yuan. Billing inquiries.
- 图形学实验源代码,字数你妹~ 字数你妹~-tu xing xue shi yan yuan dai ma,zi shu ni mei zi shu ni mei zi shu ni mei zi shu ni mei
- vc++画圆,直线,矩形.文件序列化 程序简单,注释清楚,附带所有辕马.-vc++ draw.line and yuan . serialize file.