- 这是DSP的几个软件编程,请站长过目、审查和指正。-This is the number of DSP software programming, please read head, review and correction.
- 老师布置的航空订票系统,希望广大朋友评点指正 -teachers layout of air booking system, I hope friends damaging correction
- 媒体播放软件,使用visual c++编写,非常使用的,欢迎批评指正-Media Player software, the use of visual c preparation, the use of the very welcome criticism correction
- 武汉大学水利水电学院水文与水资源工程专业全套水文预报程序集。包括前期影响雨量、三层蒸发、蓄满产流模型以及新安江模型和实时校正。-Water Resources and Hydropower, Wuhan University Institute of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering hydrological forecasting a full set of assembly. Including antecedent rainfall, th
- 会员卡管理系统 完全免费的源码 开发环境为VS2005 + ACCESS 功能包括刷卡消费,充值,纠错,挂失,解挂,发卡,补卡,操作员管理,登录管理。权限控制等。-Membership card management system completely free source development environment for VS2005+ ACCESS features include credit card spending, voucher, error correction, re
- (1)图像预处理:包括输入、输出、显示、缩放等,以及图像的腐蚀、膨胀,图像校正,亮度及对比度调节,光照补偿,色彩平衡等;(2)人脸检测功能,并对检测出的人脸进行标记。-(1) Image preprocessing: includes input, output, display, zoom, and image of the erosion, dilation, image correction, brightness and contrast adjustment, illumination
- Charp验证码识别示例,包括所有CSharp处理图像的函数,包括去噪矫正等过程,对简单验证码可识别,主要是阐述其原理。-Charp sample identification code, including all images CSharp processing function, including correction, such as denoising process, the code can be simple to identify, mainly on its princip
- 功能强大的计算器,例如输入2*(-2+3*2)/4一个表达式后按下等号=,则显示 2*(-2+3*2)/4=2,有清零和后退一位改正输错的一位。能阻止错误输入行为。-Powerful calculator, such as type 2* (-2+3* 2)/4, press the equal sign after an expression =, it shows 2* (-2+3* 2)/4 = 2, there is zero and back, a correction of a
- 一个用C#编写的随机抽取一定范围内一个数的小程序,包含全部源代码,与大家分享,并谢谢批评指正-Written in C# using a random number within a certain range a small program that contains all the source code to share with you, and thank you criticize the correction
- ReSharperSetup.3.1.Full.VS90.msi ReSharper是一款微软Visual Studio .NET 2005或者2008的插件,提供了智能C#辅助编码功能和实时错误显示功能,并支持重构。ReSharper为C#开发人员提供许多能够有效提高生产力的功能,这些功能已被成千上万使用IntelliJ IDEA的Java程序员所采用 ReSharper是为Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005或者2008这一流行的开发平台提供的插
- 这个是实现点对点发送消息的程序,填好对方IP和端口可实现功能,比较简陋,望大家给予指正-This is to achieve point to point send a message, fill in each other' s IP and port functions can be realized, more simple, hope that we can give correction
- TCM是把纠错编码与调制相结合的一种技术,将编码与调制作为一个整体同时进行处理,既有纠错能力又有频带压缩能力,基本原则是利用信号集的冗余度来提高纠错能力,从而在不扩展占用频带的前提下提高编码增益。这样就可以在传输功率和带宽都不变的同时提高数字传输系统的可靠性。-TCM is the error correction coding and modulation of a combination of technology, coding and modulation processing as a
- 比较流行的数字电子钟,完全基于软件实现的效果,不依赖任何位图资源,可以设置背景和前景色,通过本程序你还将学到更多有用的知识点。本程序在vc++6.0下编译通过,这是我经过很多天积累和查找资源才找到的解决方法,也欢迎批评指正。 -Popular digital electronic clock, based entirely on the software results, Bu reliance on any bit Image Resources, you can set the back
- C编程将 Gamma 校正应用于梯度C programming will be used in gradient Gamma Correction-C programming will be used in gradient Gamma Correction
- 该程序实现的功能:前向算法估计参数(带比例因子修正)-Implementation of the program functions: forward algorithm estimated parameters (with scale factor correction)
- 传统单点定位的数据处理 电离层 对流层 改正-Traditional single-point positioning data processing tropospheric correction Ionospheric
- 修改这个部分,根据你用的实际电容量的大小,调整这四个字节。这一段在程序的后半部分接近结尾处-Temperature sensor for the PT100, which is a relatively linear stability and good heat resistance of platinum wire sensor, you can work in the-200 ℃ to 650 ℃ range. The circuit to choose their work in-19
- ARCENGINE二次开发,C#编写的几何校正程序,打开TIF数据,进行几何校正-ARCENGINE secondary development, C# written in geometric correction procedures, open TIF data, geometric correction
- 图像几何纠正 。双线性插值利用c#编写的程序,在visual studio环境。-Image geometric correction. Bilinear interpolation using a program written in c# in visual studio environment.
- 动态加载web,对于web的处理很有帮助,希望大家积极批评指正-Dynamically load web, and hope that we actively criticized the correction processing is helpful for the web