- H.264 DEcoder, Reference ffmpeg 2008, VC++ 2008 Compile, No error and Warning.This Version is the most fastest H.264 decoder than before ffmpeg. using method same as Xvid,Jesse Stone, Taiwan. msn: fatalfeel@hotmail.com in ffmpeg H.264 decoder,H.26
- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "En
- Special to decoder for x.264, it s not encoder. Build no error and warning build in VC6.0 preinstall vc6sp5 and nasm.exe in vc6 bin directory msn:fatalfeel@hotmail.com-Special to decoder for x.264, it s not encoder. Build no error and warningbu
- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "Ena
- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "Ena