- 微机保护(LFP系列)与RTU的通讯规约(V3.0) 1. 通讯接口: 1.1 接口标准: RS-232C/RS-422/RS-485 1.2 通讯格式: 异步,一位起始位,八位数据位,一位停止位,无校验位。 1.3 通讯速率: 4800~38.4Kbps。 1.4 通讯方式: 主从方式。
- T38FAX Pseudo Modem From your fax or voice application view point it s a fax/voice modem pool. From IP network view point it s a H.323 endpoint with T.38 fax support. From your view point it s a gateway between an application and IP network.