- VC下插件功能的完整案例。演示了COM、ATL等的编程技术。-VC plug-functional integrity of the case. Demonstration of COM, ATL other programming technologies.
- 由于传统的 COM 技术使用静态的非托管编程,而.net使用动态的托管编程,所以这个题目本质上讨论的是托管与非托管代码之间的互操作中的一个特例-traditional COM technology use passive non-hosted programming. Net use dynamic programming trusteeship, the nature of this subject is discussed at the Trusteeship Council-managed
- 这个是一个dll编制案例的源码。请大家可以-this a case of preparation dll source. Please look
- Private Sub Command1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Select Case KeyCode Case vbKeyF2 MsgBox \"hhh\", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, \"Ì áÊ ¾ \" End Select End Sub
OPC+Server+for+Modbus.opc server 服务器源码
- opc server 服务器源码。该事例适合OPC研究者学习和开发,opc server source server. The case for researchers to learn and develop OPC
- 所谓基于COM的回调虚接口实现ActiveX控件和客户端程序的通讯,大致是这样的,就是在ActiveX工程的内部的idl文件定义一个虚接口,在客户端程序定义一个虚接口的派生类来实现回调函数,在客户端程序传递派生类对象指针给ActiveX控件,在控件内部调用这个虚接口的函数来激发客户端程序的派生类的对应的回调函数。-The so-called callback virtual COM-based ActiveX control interface, and client communication
- 一个自动生成uar报告的案例,作为ssd课程入门的案例使用。-UAR an automatically generated report of the case, as the SSD courses use case entry.
- C The Complete Reference Fourth Edition Herbert Schildt-PART I— FOUNDATIONAL C This book divides its descr iption of the C language into two parts. Part One discusses those features of C defined by the original, 1989 ANSI standard for C (c
- concerned with the blind identication of bilinear systems excited by higher-order white noise. Un- like prior work that restricted the bilinear system model to simple forms and required the excitation to be Gaussian dis- tributed, the result
- 本例为利用ActiveX控件制作的Flash播放器-In this case the use of ActiveX controls for the production of the Flash player
- 7.0 新增支持 DataWindow SQL 语句画板中对 SQL 语句的大小写转换、代码优化等。可以帮助大家校正在例如 SYBASE 等数据库对字段名大小写敏感需要批量修改的 SQL 语句。 新增支持有关 DataWindow 与结构体、变量之间的赋值、获得数据等 操作的 PB 脚本自动生成。在字段特别多的情况下,比较实用。-7.0 Added support Sketchpad DataWindow SQL statements SQL statement in the case o
- WISUAL C6.0编写 ATL的DLL实例 MFC的测试DLL的用例 ATL内实现了定时器和界面绘制 工程小,但技术含量极高-WISUAL C6.0 prepared by the DLL instance ATL DLL MFC test ATL use case to achieve a timer and interface engineering drawing small but high-tech
- 这是一个案例,原应用程序建构在IIS 6.0、COM+ 1.5、MSMQ 3.0上的网络订单系统,利用Application Server新增功能,在修改少量程序代码的情况下,将应用程序扩展成具备分单及自动化订单审核的新程序架构,真正达到 "Do more with less" 效果。 由台湾弈飞资讯开发团队提供 -This is a case, the original applications built on IIS 6.0, COM+ 1.5, MSMQ 3.0 on th
- Visual C++案例开发集锦\第九章\COM编程获取表单域信息的程序源码,值得一看!-Visual C++ case development highlights \ Chapter \ COM programming information for the program source code form field, worth a visit!
- VC++绘图控件实例源代码下载,此源代码为孙鑫VC++深入详解一书的随书实例,主要向VC++初学者讲解进行各种几何图形绘制的方法,本例可绘制圆形、矩形、椭圆、直线、点等,并可进行线条宽度、颜色、虚线实线样式的设置,同时还演示了写入和读取文件的一些简单操作,通过源码你可学习到这些相关的知识点。 -Source code examples, VC++ drawing control download this source code for Sun Xin VC++ Detailed in-de