- “C16汉字输入方案”,是针对小键盘设备(如手机、遥控器等)通常为16个基本键(“0”到“9”、“*”、“#”、左右键、删除键、确认键)的情况,充分发掘16个键位条件下进行汉字输入和符号输入的潜力,使汉字、英文、数字输入达到尽可能高的效率,是在16键的小键盘设备进行汉字输入的优秀方案。-"C16 Chinese character input program" is aimed at the small keyboard equipment (such as mobile p
- 初探WINDOWS下IME编程源码: 大家知道,DELPHI许多控件有IME属性。这么好用的东西VC可没自带,怎么办呢?其实,可通过注册表,用API实现。下面说一下本人对IME的研究结果,并提供示例工程供大家参考: -of IME programming under Windows source : As we all know, many controls are DELPHI IME attributes. So handy things VC may not own, how do?
- 这是句法分析系统的原代码,可以用于人工智能的各各方面,比如输入法、段词分词程序的进一步补充、语音识别等各方面!-This is the syntactic analysis system source code, which can be used across a diversity of artificial intelligence, such as the input method, word of the Word of the procedures further added, vo
- 一个用C语言编写的词法分析器,该程序只要实现对输入代码的词法分析并输出文件以保存结果。-a C language prepared by the lexical analyzer. as long as the procedures for the importation of code to achieve the lexical analysis and output files to preserve the results.
- SIP是一个应用层的信令控制协议,用于创建、修改和终止一个或多个参与者的会话。这些会话可以是Internet多媒体会议、IP电话或多媒体分发(例如语音信箱)。会话的参与者可以通过组播(multicast)、网状单播(unicast)或两者的混合体进行通信。更为详细的SIP介绍,可参考相关的网站和书籍,如SIP FORUM等-SIP is an application-layer control protocol signaling for creating, modification and t
- Mp3字典安装程序,可以自己根据需要定义字典库,装如后自动运行-Mp3 dictionary installation procedures, in accordance with their own needs for a dictionary definition, and equipment such as automatic operation
- 藏所输入法源码,最快速最全面的输入法之一。解决中文字库不够的问题 -possession of the source code as input method, the most rapid most comprehensive one of the input method. Chinese font solve the problem of insufficient
- 本软件是基于windows IME 机制编写而成,名称为:自由拼音输入法。 本软件源代码公开,遵循GUN GPL(General Public License)。 本软件支持win95,win98,winNT。 Java的系统上运行。-The software is based on the windows IME prepared mechanism, known as : free Pinyin input method. The software source code
- 本软件是基于windows IME 机制编写而成,名称为:自由拼音输入法。 本软件源代码公开,遵循GUN GPL(General Public License)。 本软件支持win95,win98,winNT。-The software is based on the windows IME prepared mechanism, known as : free Pinyin input method. The software source code is open, followed
- 做库软件,可以做点针字库,truetype 字库等。-do for software, can do needle point font, such as truetype font.
- 是一个简单的电话本程序,比较简单,但是能帮助学习菜单的使用,希望有所帮助
- 虚拟Unix的文件系统,预分配1M的空间作为虚拟硬盘-virtual Unix file system, the pre-allocation 1M hard disk space as virtual
- 本标准作为GB 2311体系的字符编码标准,规定了信息交换用的基本图形字符及其二进制编码的十六进制表示。适用于图形字符信息的处理、交换、存储、传输、显现、输入和输出。是对GB 2312的扩充。本标准具体规定了图形字符的单字节编码和双字节编码,并对四字节编码体系结构做出了规定。 -the standard GB 2311 system as the character encoding standards, a requirement for the exchange of information
- SQL的基本操作---数据的检索篇 什么在查询中对字段命以别名,或重新命名,这样做的原因有两个: ☆所涉及的表的字段名很长,想使字段在结果集中更易处理一些。 ☆创建的查询产生了某些计算或合计列,需要对之进行命名。 不管是什么原因对字段命以别名,在 SQL 中都可以容易地使用 As 子句做得-the basic operation of SQL data retrieval -- What Part of the field inquiries to life alias, or re-namin
- wince 5.0 下面的手写输入法程序,在wincearm 环境下测试通过-wince 5.0 Chinese handwriting input method as the following procedure, test environment wincearm
- 本软件采用VC++5.0编写而成,但VC++4.1以上的版本应该都行,如果不行,不妨把imm目录下的文件拷到VC相应的目录下。另外需要说明的是输入法程序实际上是一个动态连接库,即feepy.ime是一个动态连接库,所以你创建项目时,要用动态连接库格式,并把生成的库文件改成freepy.ime. 另外,本程序的词库是一个动态链表,是由内存映射文件实现动态内存共享的,对动态内存共享感兴趣的朋友可以参考。(注:此程序非本人亲手所写,只是珍藏好久,拿出来和大家分享)-This softwar
- 为与软件开发无关的其他应用程序类型的基础,比如内容管理。-And software development for other applications unrelated to the type of foundation, such as content management.
- 此为中值输入法.. 考虑了各种错误情况已经进行修改. 如重复括号等. 有类似作业的同学可以下载-This is the value of the input method .. consider a variety of error conditions have been modified. Such as brackets, such as duplicate. There are similar operations students can download
- ABC.c,ABC.h:各种输入法如拼音,字母,符号和标点的切换的程序。-ABC.c, ABC.h: a variety of input methods such as alphabet, letters, symbols and punctuation switching procedures.
- As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity.