- HookAPI is the API SDK that sets up system wide hooks for all windows platforms. It could easily hook 32-bit windows system APIs or 32-bit user-defined DLL. It could be used easily and all you need to do is write a DLL file named mydll.dll or mydll_9
- Exemplo legal de Keyboard Hook. http://bl4cksun.org/
- This example will describe advanced programmers how to get in touch with dll injection, inter proccess comunication (IPC) and advanced windows api hooking. This is an application that hooks an online poker client (full tilt and pokerstars at the mome
- 能够实现自动扫雷的程序,非常推荐,使用时先点开始,然后人工点几下,展开后就可以自动扫雷了-Can automatically de-mining program, highly recommended, use the first point, and then manually a few clicks, you can automatically start after the clearance of the
- 驱动层Hook系统内核调用的,拦截对进程的操作的源码,提供7步tutorial,步步为营,教学驱动编程的-Qūdòng céng guàgōu xìtǒng nèihé diàoyòng de, lánjié duì jìnchéng de cāozuò de yuánmǎ, tígōng 7 bù jiàochéng, bùbùwéiyíng, jiàoxué qūdòng biānchéng de
- 一个给电脑加锁的程序,调用了 KBHook.dll 全局键盘钩子,程序用繁体VB6编写,里面含 instgb5 在VB IDE环境中转换的工具. 这个工具我用了很多年,ctrl配合方向键可以简繁体转换..具体看右下角的图标的帮助. 一个台湾朋友写的.. 真的非常好用.. -允许输入拉丁字符的拼音 请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Yīgè gěi diànnǎo jiā suǒ de chéngxù, diàoyòngle KBHook.Dll quánjú jiànpán
- Manejo de teclado KeyBoard capture
- Il y a quelques temps, j avais publié sur le blog la technique de l IAT Hook qui permettait de détourner l appel d une fonction via la table d importation. Mais cela a ses limites: si vous posez un hook après que le programme ai récupéré l adresse
- API控制外部组件例程,就是说可以控制外部程序的按钮,实现静默安装,静默操作!-api kongzhi waibu zu jian licheng ,jiushi shuo ke yi kong zhi wai bu chengxu de anniu ,shixian jing mo anzhuang jimong caozuo !
- O código-fonte do programa, que mostra um exemplo de sobreposiç ã o de controle tratamentos de janela WndProc. é possível substituir WndProc poucos, enquanto a criaç ã o de apenas um manipulador. O exemplo mostra como alterar a estrut