- 实用DirectX的平滑曲线推屏例程。可以做数据采集曲线输出,解决了屏闪的问题。- The practical DirectX smooth curve pushes the screen example regulation. May make the data acquisition curve output, has solved the problem which the screen dodges.
- make asf directx code very good-make very good DirectX code
- 我手上的资料不是太多,先上送一个资料,请多多指导。网上的资料实在太少了,所以我得尽力去找一个你喜欢的,请笑纳。-the information I have is not too large, the first one to send information on Please excuse guidance. Online information is too small, so I have to make every effort to find one you like, please
- Complete directshow for real job, mpeg1 filter.you will never find a project like this good.Its a hard work for me. 1.async filter 2.mpeg1 splitter 3.mpeg1/2 video filter 4.mpeg1/2 audio filter 5.ac3 filter by Jesse Stone, Taiwan. a
- This is a Micro$oft Visual C++ project, so it would be easiest for you to open it with MSVC++ but if you dont have it, you can always use your own compiler, the source files are all there. My program uses some free library offered by Microso
- D3D HOOK模块,可用于制作DX类游戏的*,如透视等效果,支持DX8,DX9游戏,用法是将D3D8或D3D9文件夹里的d3d9dev.cpp,d3d9int.cpp,d3d9tex.cpp中的函数内容修改后编译生成DLL,再编译Injector注入,编译环境最好用VS.NET2003,有相应DX SDK,注入器必须用自带的Injector,否则可能没有效果。-D3D HOOK module can be used to make plug-DX games, such as perspec
- 利用direct3d9和C++编程,更进一步的载入了.x文件,加入了场景,人物,还增加了雾化效果,使场景看起来更加的美观。神秘-Using direct3d9 and C++ programming, further loaded. X files, added scenes, characters, also increased the atomization effect, make the scene look even more beautiful. Mysterious
- DXLib將複雜與麻煩的DirectX功能封裝,並且添加遊戲所需要的基本功能, 使得運用C++開發遊戲的流程大大的簡化,本引擎在日本的同人遊戲界常被使用, 並且有詳實的書籍提供相關討論,可說在日本是有相當知名度。 -DXLib will be complex and cumbersome package DirectX functions, and add the games of the basic functions needed to make use of C++ devel
- Windows系统下,DirectX才是王道!作出超炫的界面不是梦!源码实现了各种DirectUI,很强大,供参考学习.-Windows systems, DirectX is the rules! Make stunning interface is not a dream! Source to achieve a variety of DirectUI, very powerful, for reference study.
- Direct3D中.x文件的解析器,将.x文件(明码的或二进制的)解析成易读的格式,可方便修改代码转换成自定义的格式-.X file parser make .X file resolve into easy-to-read format, can be easily modified code into a custom format
- 利用DirectX显示一个旋转的圆柱。首先构建一个Mfc单文档框架,然后在文档界面显示圆柱。本例用最简单的代码说明了Directx的基本用法-use DirectX to draw a cilinder。firstly,use wizard to make a single document frame,then use Directx to draw a cilinder on the view
- 斜45度rpg游戏源码,超精简,只有几百k,带资源和源码,效果很好,可编译运行,想自己做游戏就看她!-Inclined 45 degrees rpg games source, ultra-streamlined, only a few hundred k, with resources and source code, well, can be compiled to run, I would like to make their own game to see her!
- 源码 c++和DirectX编写 注释各种语句-source code c++ and DirectX make this file you can understand this very esaily
- 现有功能/特点: 1.搜索功能:根据歌词搜索,根据歌名搜索,根据专辑搜索,百度TOP N列表。歌词搜索下载。 2.下载功能:多线程下载,异步存储。 3.所有的缓存都在内存中,在没有下载完成不会做写硬盘操作。 4.仿照QQ音乐2008界面,可以进行主题颜色更改。可以设置自己喜欢的背景图片,它将会和播放器进行ALPHA混合。 5.纯WindowsLess控件,整个窗体只可以看到一个控件TFrmMain。自己开发的一套控件。(可以使用SPY++查看) 6.播放热键支
- 这是一个例子系统,做的非常好。 需要的朋友一定会从中学到不少东西。-This is an example of system, make the very good. Friend in need will learn many things.
- 利用GPU做代数运算的Dirext版本; 很有名的GPU编程例子(引自siggraph上的论文):这里使用了图形硬件上的矩阵和向量表达,繁杂的矩阵运算都在GPU上进行。对于想利用GPU做并行数值计算的人一定会有帮助~ -Make use of GPU computing Dirext version of algebra well-known examples of GPU programming (a quote from the siggraph paper): here the
- 实现游戏中的基本特效-公告板技术,程序中使一张2d图片始终面对摄像头-The realization of the basic effects in the game- bulletin board technology, the program make a 2d picture always face camera
- In this book, you find out how to create cool graphics and combat engines, handle players in your game, use scr ipts and items, and make your game multiplayer-capable.
- 本书是游戏编程畅销书作者André LaMothe的扛鼎之作,从游戏编程和软件引擎的角度深入探讨了3D图形学的各个重要主题。全书共分5部分,包括16章的内容。第1~3章简要地介绍了Windows和DirectX编程,创建了一个Windows应用程序模板,让读者能够将精力放在游戏逻辑和图形实现中,而不用考虑Windows和DirectX方面的琐事;第4~5章简要地介绍了一些数学知识并实现了一个数学库,供以后编写演示程序时使用;第6章概述了3D图形学,让读者对本书将介绍的内容有大致的了解;第7~11
- 1. 1.a make sure that the platform sdk is in first in Options Library directories. 1.b make sure that the dx library is last in order in Options Library directories. 1.c In the Project Properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->Inp