- STL源码,就是侯捷那本书所用的 源码。-STL source, Hou Jie, is the book used by the source.
- 这是一个图书管理系统程序,实现的方式很新颖,大家可以参考
- 用C语言写的《城市信息及最短路径查询系统》,图形界面,功能比较齐全。-C language book, "Cities and the shortest path query system", a graphical interface, functions more complete.
- 用类定义一个双向链表,并定义双向链表的排序插入,删除和输出操作的成员函数,可以实现依据姓名查找结点及修改结点数据的功能,把记录以通讯录形式保存在磁盘上。,Class definition with a two-way linked list, and define the order of two-way linked list insert, delete, and member functions of the output operation can be achieved based o
- 最小生成树 算法 利用二叉树原理生成最小生成书 数据结构实验-Principle of minimum spanning tree algorithm uses a binary tree data structure generated experimental Smallest Book
- 大二时做的一个数据结构的课程设计,用2-3树实现的图书馆管理系统,只是控制台程序,没有很好的图形界面。包括管理员、读者。管理员功能有:采编入库、查看图书、查看读者、删除读者。读者功能有:借书、还书、预约、查找等等。。功能全面。包括注册账号,登录需要账号密码。-Sophomore to do a data structure of the curriculum design, with 2-3 tree implementation of library management system, bu
- 附随盘使用说明 本附随盘包含了书中介绍的所有实例的源程序文件,共计200个。使用本附随盘时应注意以下几点: 1. 盘中所有实例的源程序文件按篇分类,均包含在相应目录下,例如,p2-107.cpp文件在cp2目录下。 2. 所有实例源程序文件名与书中所给出的实例程序名对应一致。例如,p2-102.cpp文件对应于第2篇的实例102。 3. 本盘上给出的所有程序实例均在Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0开发环境中调试通过。 4. 读者可按本书附录A的介绍
- the code of a very good book about GA
- 该程序利用vc++实现了简单的图书管功能,包括借书,还书,添加读者等,并且是在命令符界面中-The program use vc++ to achieve a simple control functions of the book, including the library, books, and other readers to add and address in the command interface
- windows编程一书附书源代码第十九章的-windows programming book, attached to 19th chapters of the book source code
- 用vC++文字界面编写的较为简单的通讯录,实现存储,查找,删除等功能。-VC++ language interface with a relatively simple address book to prepare for storage, search, delete functions.
- this program is for answer to one of assignments of Data Structure Book by sahni
- epub格式电子书试读版本产生器 通过输入比例跟路径产生试读版本-epub format e-book version of the generator probation by entering the percentage of probation with the production version of the path
- this code for ds malik book chapter no 2.these codes are written in c++.-this is code for ds malik book chapter no 2.these codes are written in c++.
- 这是学习操作系统时书上让完成的一个作业调度程序,这是纯c写的,所有的作业采取链表的方式保存,所有内容均写到了了一个文件中,实现了短作业优先,先来先到,和最高响应比三种方法,在VC6.0下编译调试通过,仅供参考。-This is a book to learn the operating system to complete a job scheduler, which is written in pure c, all the way to save jobs to list all the c
- 用控制台编写的电话本 采用的是局部更新文字的方式来展现 本人的第一个c++程序也是课程设计的产物-Written with the console using the local phone book updates the text to show the way my first c++ program is a product of curriculum design
- 这是一个用C语言写的通讯录:它包括输入记录、删除记录、插入记录、记录保存文件、从文件中读取记录等。-This is a C language to write the address book: it includes input records, delete records, insert record, recording save the file, read the records from a file.
- 这是c程序编程宝典的源码程序。本人学习c预言时试过,很好用,对于初学者非常大的帮助。欢迎大家下载,一起学习-This is the c programming book source program. When I tried to learn c prophecy, very good, very helpful for beginners. Welcome to download, learn together
- 通信录管理系统 用C++设计出模拟手机通信录管理系统,实现对手机中的通信录进行管理,按照姓氏拼音排序。通信名单和信息的文件存储/读取和修改。-Address book management system using C++ design analog mobile phone address book management system, to achieve the phone address book management, sorted by last name spelling. C
- 编程建立一通讯簿,存放有姓名,电话号码,住址,然后对通信簿进行查找-Programming to build an address book, deposit has a name, phone number, address, and then to find the communication book