- BITEK BIT1605 IDE v109 utility ! BIT1605 是一款標準10-bit video decoder. 功耗低性價高,且具有Auto boot 功能,程式可免. 所需Driver 和BITEK BIT161x IDE utility相同. 請自行取回使用. -BITEK BIT1605 IDE v109 utility ! BIT1605 is 10-bit low power video decoder and su
thread Console
- 一个控制台类和一个 多线程类,而且调用方便,是多线程的,运行性能超级稳定,SP3 测试、虚拟机测试均无崩溃现象,可正常退出,暂停、继续。这个多线程运行 绝对稳定 IDE中不崩溃,堪称精品…… -A console and a multi-class thread class, and the call is convenient, is multi-threaded, super-stable operating performance, SP3 test, there was no c
- C++ Assignment using a code block IDE
- VC++环境搭建,以一个标准C++程序出现,讲解程序结构,代码注释等。-VC++ IDE and standard C++ code
- This a simple cronometer made in java using Netbeans as IDE-This is a simple cronometer made in java using Netbeans as IDE
- basic payroll system. This can work on any IDE. just copy the code.
- COBOL - Academic System (Portuguese BR) in CLB open Cobol IDE
- Mini Project in C Personal Diary Management System. One of the best C mini projects, mini project in C Personal Diary Management System is a console application without graphic. In this project, user can keep their personal record like they do i
- Typing Tutor Project in C. Typing is the basic command to run a computer and your typing speed plays vital role while working in computer to save time. Here I have presented a Typing Tutor Project in C to measure user’s typing speed and to enhan