- 安全关闭windows系统。关闭windows系统可以使用ExitWindowsEx这个API,但是有时关闭时有些进程会没相应,需要人为终止。所以在本程序中我先将用户进程先终止掉,然后再关闭系统。-closed windows security system. Close windows system ExitWindowsEx can use this API, However, sometimes when some of the closure process will be no cor
- USB接口IO控制器 Win32 applications that run on Windows NT can programmatically eject media from drives that have hardware support for media removal. However, they must do so correctly to avoid corrupting the media. This article explains how to eject med
- 一个简单的学生管理系统,是用C/C++混合写的,但由于时间不足。。。只有几个小时,所以做得不是很理想,但如果只是学习用,那就完全没问题了。-a simple student management system is the use of C / C was mixed, but because of the lack of time. . . Only a few hours, so do it is not ideal, but if only to study, it did not com
Ising Modl
- 一个比较专业的数值计算软件了,是采用蒙特卡洛算法写的,做的是物理学中的Ising model-a more professional numerical calculation software is written using the Monte-Carlo algorithm, so the physics of the Ising model
- 这个是用C写的哈夫曼编码与解码,起中间数据还用文件显示,以便大家观摩-this is written in C Huffman coding and decoding, starting with intermediate data file, so that we watch
- 一个jsp的同学录,新加了通讯,相片,详细资料等,以jsp为开发用-An Album developed with JSP, supports communication, photos, personal informations and so on.
- 大二时做的一个数据结构的课程设计,用2-3树实现的图书馆管理系统,只是控制台程序,没有很好的图形界面。包括管理员、读者。管理员功能有:采编入库、查看图书、查看读者、删除读者。读者功能有:借书、还书、预约、查找等等。。功能全面。包括注册账号,登录需要账号密码。-Sophomore to do a data structure of the curriculum design, with 2-3 tree implementation of library management system, bu
- 北大OJ,3668到3673题源码,全部是通过代码-3070:The cows are so very silly about their dinner partners. They have organized themselves into three groups (conveniently numbered 1, 2, and 3) that insist upon dining together. The trouble starts when they line up at the
- 一个可以锁屏幕的小程序,类似网吧的挂机锁。 1.本系统界面友好,容易操作。 2.本系统用于挂机,可以用于网吧游戏挂机锁住屏幕。 3.本系统能显示开始挂机时间和挂机所用时间。 4.本系统最大的特点是可以用屏幕键盘输入密码和隐藏窗口(类似QQ)。 5.本系统是通过修改注册表来禁止任务管理器的,不过系统退出会还原注册表。 下一版本改为远程注入来禁止任务管理器。 6.本系统还禁止了系统热键,任务条,开始键等。 7.本系统使用了不少技巧,其中参考了不少人的代码,这里不一一
- 定时关机系统,能够完整地按照设定的时间自动关机,这样就可以提前下班,而不必担心计算机下载完的关机。-Timing shutdown systems, to complete in accordance with the set time automatically shut down so that you can work ahead of time worrying about computer shutdown after download.
- AVL树的实现,其中包括BST树的建立以及平衡函数-AVL tree realize, including the BST tree set up and strike a balance between function and so on
- 3子棋的耍法,我们通常所需要的网络工具、修改资料、帮助信息等等都有,但没写具体实现的代码了-3 sub-game playing method, we usually web-based tools needed to amend the information to help both information and so on, but did not write the specific code of the implementation
- 许多IP地址查询用到的数据库,纯真数据库查询一直在更新,所以很方便更新。操作简单,方便,单机下查IP。-Many IP addresses to use the database query, database query innocence has been updated, so it is easy to update. Simple, convenient, stand-alone check of IP.
- 简单的画图板程序,画线,画圆,多变慈宁宫-Simple procedures for drawing board, drawing a line, circle, and so changeable慈宁宫
- 易语言远程控制源码,十分的不错,值得学习。-hello,i am Chinese,I am not English,so my English is bad.
- 1、用成员函数重载运算符,使对整型的运算符=、+、-、*、/ 适用于分数运算。要求: (1)输出结果是最简分数(可以是带分数); (2)分母为1,只输出分子。-1, with member functions operator overloading, so that the operator on the integer =,+,-,*,/ apply to scores of computing. Requirements: (1) output is the most simple
- 一堆猴子都有编号,编号是1,2,3 ...m ,这群猴子(m个)按照1-m的顺序围坐一圈,从第1开始数,每数到第N个,该猴子就要离开此圈,这样依次下来,直到圈中只剩下最后一只猴子,则该猴子为大王。 -Monkeys have a pile of numbers is the number 1,2,3 ... m, this group of monkeys (m) of 1-m in accordance with the order around a circle, from the be
- 查询PE文件信息程序的源代码 主要用于学习 基于控制台 所以代码,更加容易读懂 前提要有C/C++基础-PE file information inquiry process is mainly used to study the source code so the code based on the console, be easier to understand the premise of C/C++ foundation
- Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please
- enhancement strengch. So i good for you