- 这个程序的作用是计算并输出运算表达式的值。本程序支持+、-、*、/、^这五个运算操作符,并支持()以及sin()、cos()、tan()、log()、ln()等函数,支持()、函数的多层嵌套。 本程序有一定的容错及判错功能-A program that evaluates an numeric expression, supports five operators: +, -, *, /, ^, and (), also supports functions like sin, cos, tan
- 这是一个用经典遗传算法求解函数最优解(在一定的范围里)的程序,包括了遗传算法的经典步骤。-This is a classical genetic algorithm function, the optimal solution (in a certain range of years) of procedures, including the classic genetic algorithm steps.
- this a simple graph of sin , cos , tan with set text color function that developed in visual studio.-this is a simple graph of sin , cos , tan with set text color function that developed in visual studio.