- 利用Zernike多项式来描述人眼眼底波前畸变的matlab程序,其中还有PSF和MTS的计算,PPT的详细讨论,非常游泳-The use of Zernike polynomials to describe the human eye fundus wave-front aberration of matlab procedures, including PSF and MTS calculation, PPT detailed discussion, very Swimming
- esta funcion genera dos tipos de psf para el blurring: movimiento lineal gaussiano
- 正弦sin映射,要学习混沌的可以了解下,还有psf曲线-Sine mapping with pdf curve, learning chaos can understand
- 受激发射耗散超分辨成像模拟,3D成像,点扩散函数,STED-Stimulated radiation dissipation of super resolution imaging simulation, 3 d imaging, point spread function (PSF),STED
- 运动图像点扩散函数psf,用于数字图像模糊估计计算的-Point spread function of the movement of PSF, used in digital image fuzzy estimate calculation
hola mundo
- Use the deconvblind function to deblur an image using the blind deconvolution algorithm. The algorithm maximizes the likelihood that the resulting image, when convolved with the resulting PSF, is an instance of the blurred image, assuming Poisson
hola mundo2
- hat the image I was created by convolving a true image with a % point-spread function PSF and possibly by adding noise. The algorithm % is optimal in a sense of least mean square error between the % estimated and the true images, and u
hola m
- hat the image I was created by convolving a true image with a % point-spread function PSF and possibly by adding noise. The algorithm % is optimal in a sense of least mean square error between the % estimated and the tr
- matlab, image proessing, measusre PSF matlab
- PSF-x04 WiFi模块用户手册V1.1,欢迎免费使用(wifi mode of psf-x04 program)