- 实现功能 创建新账户 登录 注册 重置密码 表单验证 登出 使用 LeanCloud 存储所有数据 Todo完成消息提示 修改 Todo 删除Todo 涉及到的知识点 sass react leanCloud jquery semantic-ui(a collection of simple demos of React.js this is a TodoList and use react)
- ToDoList 帮你把要做的事情列出来,一项一项,类似思维导图。 最明显的好处是强迫自己整理出任务的每个部分,理顺后按部就班的完成,提高效率。(ToDoList helps you to make a list of what you want to do, one item, like a mind map. The most obvious benefit is to compel yourself to sort out every part of the task, straigh