- 以C#完成msn到jabber的transport, The MSN client talks via SOCKS 5, to the MSN2Jabber server. This can then relay to any Jabber server, independent of which MSN2Jabber server you are connected to. The Jabber server is taken from the passport login
- 中文搜索引擎的设计与实现.rar 华中科技大学硕士学位论文 A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering The Design and Implementation of Chinese Search Engine 搜索引擎是 Web 信息检索的主要工具,Crawler 是搜索引擎的核心组件,用于 搜集 Web 页面
- msn連線客戶端1.2 Just a note: I am not going to write out and explain everything that is in the code. This txt file will be an explanation of the Events and Methods in the UserControl. Please do not email me asking me about the protocol. Also, th
- Small TCPIP protocol stack implementation. A very good source code help you understand the tcp/ip protocol stack .-Small Beginners protocol stack implementatio n. A very good source code help you understand th e tcp / ip protocol stack.
- AJAX Date Picker is a free ASP.NET 2.0 calendar control that utilizes AJAX techniques to get data from the server without an entire page postback. You can specify the clickable dates on a given month as well as other days like holidays, etc. A great
- 1.采用了多线程技术,速度明显高于同类软件. 2.支持多文件同时传送. 3.支持段点继传,也就是说文件可分N次传送. 4.分服务端和客户端,服务器支持多客户. 5.在传送过程中可实实对话,有聊天功能.-1. Using multithreading technology, faster than similar software. 2. It also supports multi-carrier. 3. Further support of the mass point, Th
- Search over 200 internet search engines. will launch the users default browser and show the results.. This source uses TLinkLabel By Vitaly Zayko on a few of the tabs It is not needed by the search engine itself. however it is included in
- Many programs today suffer from the fact that their users have to connect using IP addresses. This is impossible for dialup users, whose IPs change all the time, and painful for LAN users who don t know their IP addresses or whose addresses also chan
- 基于完成端口的TCP网络通信框架实现 工程iocp中包含了框架实现的所有代码,工程server和client是对该框架的简单测试 和应用。框架实现了基于消息的TCP网络通信,(避免了TCP的数据“粘连”问题)并进 行了封装,封装后的界面iocpapi.h非常简洁,应用程序代码只需要简单包含 iocpapi.h,就可以实现自己的网络应用.具体例子可以参考server和client代码提供 的两个类分别用于服务器端和客户端(一般来说客户端不用管理大量连接,所以有点 杀鸡用牛刀
- linux source code for service and client this is used udp protocal-linux source code for service and client th is is used udp protocal
- PAM-TH的调制器和PAM-TH的传输器,是研究超宽带的基础
- Modern.Receiver.Front.Ends.Systems.Circuits.and.Integration A very good book about receiver-In recent years, the research and developments in the area of RF and microwave technologies have progressed significantly due to the growing demand for ap
- 文章主要讨论了视频会议系统中基于 电子白板的图形会话系统的通讯机制, 以及采用W inSock 技术实现系统的主要技术和编程方法-Th is paper int ro2 duces the communicat ion mechanism of graph system based on w h iteboard, and discusses the im2 p lementat ion w ith w indow s socket.
- 分频器,在用的,可以实现2的N次方的分频-Divider, in use, can achieve two of the N-th power of the sub-band
- TCL scr ipts for undersdtanding th functioning
- arp Smit is a simple ARP hijacking tool for switched/unswitched networks. It wor ks even better on switched networks, because the spoofed sides do not see th e duplicated packets. I based the tool on sources from arpmitm and arprelay and included nic
- web client program to transmit file acrous th socket ,tcpclient
- The Mozilla component framework, and its implementation in a form more com-monly known as the Firefox browser, represents one technology that aspires to be a useful tool for the community that relies on the Internet to communicate, learn, and exp
- TCL scr ipts for undersdtanding th functioning
- An obvious improvement to this program would be to set up th An obvious improvement to this program would be to set up th-An obvious improvement to this program would be to set up thAn obvious improvement to this program would be to set up thAn obvio