- 如何实现servlet中的发信功能,在程序里面封装了用javamail实现发送邮件的例子。-how to achieve the functional writing, inside the package achieved by using JavaMail mail example.
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- SIVA简单留言板 v3.0 源码 v3.0更新说明: 1,首页模板和v1.0/v2.0都不一样,我个人更喜欢这个v3.0的 2,留言项目增加了QQ号,并且设定全部项目都为必填(QQ与邮箱只有管理员可见) 3,原来的头像改变为心情图标,且增加到8个-SIVA simple message board v3.0 source v3.0 Update : 1. Page templates and v1.0/v2.0 not the same, I personally lik
- B/S结构的邮件客户端软件,使web版的,感觉用起来挺好用,与大家共享。-B / S structure of the mail client software to enable web version, with up feeling very good use and share.
- 完全自动化的Qmail安装脚本,采用Perl写成,免除了初学者到处找补丁包的烦恼。-Qmail fully automated installation scr ipts using Perl languages, removed from the beginners around in search of a patch kits trouble.
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- 邮件附件自动接收 用C++编写的,好用 对于初学有很大的帮助-mail automatically receive Annex C prepared in handy for beginners will be very helpful
- 一个单沌的留言本,能够注册留言.其他的功能都在压缩文件中,可以详细了解-a single confused by the messages to voice mail registration. Other functions are in the compressed file, a detailed understanding
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- 枫叶阁ASP留言簿,我所见过的最好的留言系统,漂亮美观的界面让人赞叹不已,强大的管理功能让您倍感开心,带有站长回复功能,真正的做到了留言功能!SUZI强烈推荐您下载-ASP Guestbook Maple Leaf Court, I have seen the best voice mail systems, pretty beautiful people throughout the interface, a powerful management function allows you to
- MeyboMail Web(脉博邮件系统客户端)是由成都脉博软件工作室与easyjf.com(简易java框架)联合开发的基于B/S的邮件系统客户端软件,系统全部使用java编写,Web页面使用easyjf.com的EasyJWeb框架开发,主要通过调用java mail实现邮件的收发。-MeyboMail Web (pulse mail system client) is a software studio Chengdu pulse with e asyjf.com (Summary jav
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- 浙江省嘉善高级中学网站:由五个部分组成:新闻文章发布系统、留言系统、在线调查、网站计数、流量统计系统。-Jiashan Senior High School website : consists of five parts : a news article publishing system, voice mail system, online survey, the website counts, traffic statistics system.
- 电子邮件系统 环境:vs2005 语言:c#-e-mail system environment : vs2005 Language : c #
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- asp邮件,免费下载,欢迎使用。非常好用的一款软件-asp mail, free download, Welcome to. A very useful software
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- 需要在PHP的环境下运行! 应该说是最强大的EMAIL图标生成工具了。支持多大45家大型邮件网站提供商,一键生成,无需MYSQL数据库的支持。-Need to run in the PHP environment! It should be said that the most powerful EMAIL icon generation tool. Support for 45 large mail site provider, a key generation, without MYSQL