- kingate是一个代理服务器,能代理多种协议,包括:http,https,socks,ftp,pop3,smtp,telnet,dns。能运行在linux,freebsd,...及其它类unix,还有windows(最新版本要求nt 4.0以上)操作系统上 kingate是一个多线程的程序(采用线程池的方式),所以短时间内大量的连接请求,kingate还能保持很高的性能。 kingate还支持tcp端口映射,可以实现别人访问你的内网主机。-kingate is an agent server,
- 这段代码用来转发shadowbane的封包,用来作为一个代理,保存封包信息,方便对此进行协议分析-Simple SBProxyServer using select. evilight at gmail dot com this code will act as a proxy server for shadowbane client so you can get all pockets to analyze shadowbane login protocol
Server to read emeters
- The server reads emeter and act as a gateway to other measurement systems. The code is written in c.