- 杀毒引擎, MS Windows front-end to Clam Antivirus (http://www.clamav.net). Includes scheduler, virus database updates, standalone scanner, context menu integration to MS Windows Explorer and Addin to MS Outlook. Also features easy setup program. -an
Windows Net
- Windows防火墙与网络封包截获技术-Windows firewall and network packet capture technique
- 实现根据黑名单或白名单列表对URL地址进行过滤功能。 注册: 1、regsvr32 /s iebho.dll 卸载: 1、regsvr32 /s /u iebho.dll 过滤规则文件: 1、过滤规则文件位于system32目录下,文件名称为urlfilt.sys 2、文件格式为以\\x0a分隔的行,第一行标记缺省是禁止网页访问还是允许, 即是白名单还是黑名单, 网址不能加入http://等头,并且采用模糊匹配方法,例如sina将匹
iptables And net filter
- 介绍网络防火墙和netfilter的初级资料,内容涉及基本概念和操作实例
- 用于检验局域网内的网卡处于混杂模式的主机,维护网络安全-it is the software for checking the network card in the LAN and the host computer which is in the jam,protecting the security of the net.
- 用来分析恶意软件(malware)的代码,通过在linux的os中启动wine,在wine中运行malware来对malware进行分析。 QEMU的虚拟机镜像可从这里下载: http://zerowine.sourceforge.net/-Zero wine is an open source (GPL v2) research project to dynamically analyze the behavior of malware. Zero wine just runs the m
- Enable / Disable Windows XP Firewall Through .Net Code, No Need API Functions, Read And Write As DWORD Values.
- 个人防火墙delphi源码,貌似国外的 iSafer - 一个简单的个人防火墙. 代码不是很完善,因为没有足够的注释:D - 编译之前你必须从madshi.net安装 madX - 安装Trayicon com. (Trayicon.pas) 从winsockfirewall.sf.net获取新版本-iSafer- a simple personal firewall. The code is not so nice because there is n