- 用JAVA编写的龟兔赛跑的游戏程序,可以玩游戏!-prepared using JAVA race between the procedures of the game, they can play the game!
- 封闭了I/0接口的IOCP服务器,用作即时通信服务器能起到良好的作用.,Closure of the I/0 interface IOCP server for instant messaging server can play a good role.
- Java编写的聊天室程序。自动连接,聊天程序本身就扮演服务器和客户端两种角色。-Java chat room procedures prepared. Automatically connected, chat process itself on the server and client to play two roles.
- MSN玩游戏抽奖,该程序使自动客户端自动玩游戏,参与抽奖。-MSN lottery games, the program automatically make the client automatically play games, participate in a lucky draw.
- 一款基于P2P模式的即时通信软件。支持多种语音编码格式传输语音数据,包括PCM,G723,GSM610等。基于Windows开发的,使用Windows Audio系统作为语音采集和播放的基础。-Hermes is a kind of instant communication system based on P2P mode.It can support several kinds of voice coding pattern that used to transfer data of voi
- 6. 实现一个一对一的聊天程序。其基本过程如下:服务器首先启动,创建套接字后等待客户的连接;客户启动以后,创建套接字,然后和服务器建立连接;连接建立后,客户机和服务器可以通过建立的套接字连接进行通信。服务器和客户端可以是一台电脑上的两个进程,也可以分别部署在两台电脑上。-I went to three cities to play during last summer holidays. They are Beijing, Dalian and HuHehot. I went to Beij
- 实现简单的QQ聊天等功能,玩游戏,上网等一些常用的功能,还等什么呢,看看吧-Simple functions of the QQ chat, play games, Internet and some other commonly used functions, and so what it, see it ... ...
- MiniQQ,可以登录腾讯QQ的程序代码,登录成功的概率不是很高,而且是基于命令行的,可以自己修改来-MiniQQ, Tencent QQ, you can login code, log on is not very high probability of success, and is based on the command line, you can modify to their own play
- 关机恶搞小工具 很适合玩QQ的朋友 真是居家旅行 报复别人的必备工具-Shut down a spoof of the gadget is very suitable to play QQ friends is really retaliation for someone else' s home, traveling an essential tool