- 以C#完成msn到jabber的transport, The MSN client talks via SOCKS 5, to the MSN2Jabber server. This can then relay to any Jabber server, independent of which MSN2Jabber server you are connected to. The Jabber server is taken from the passport login
- MyICQ是我利用上学和上班的空闲时间编写的,发展到现在已经是一个比较大的工程了,以我一个人的力量继续编写下去将非常困难。希望广大的程序员高手能够参与到这个项目中来,为自由软件贡献一份力量。 我在sourceforge.net上申请了CVS服务空间,项目名是myicq-free。有意加入者请与我联系。-MyICQ should I go to school and the work of the idle time for the preparation, development has
- ICQ clone born to satisfy my needs.It runs as well on a 486 with win95, on a single diskette, so it s fast and small.