- Free BSD下TCP/IP协议栈的实现。虽然不是很新,但是许多其他TCP/IP协议栈都是参考它实现的。如果学习的话,建议看这个版本,原滋原味-Free BSD TCP / IP protocol stack is achieved. Although it is not new, but many other TCP / IP protocol stack is the realization of reference it. If learning, I suggest they look
- 本GPRS终端运输层采用UDP用户数据包协议,网络层采用IP网际协议,链路层采用PPP点对点协议。车台在32秒之内如果没有需向中心回传的信息,自动向中心回传一条网络测试信息,中心在收到此信息后必须自动回传一条确认信息。-the transport layer GPRS terminal users using UDP packet agreement, the network layer using IP Internet Protocol. PPP link layer using point
- DOS下的socket编程如果应用MSTCPSDK开发包的话其实和WINDOWS下的SOCKET编程的模式差不多首先你必须从MICROSOFT网站下下载MSTCPSDK包-socket under the DOS program if applied MSTCPSDK development kits and then actually WIN DOWS the Socket Programming mode almost from the outset you must download we
- Automatically redials the connection to the internet if it drops. Can set the interval of checking. -Automatically redials the connection to t he internet if it drops. Can set the interval of c hecking.
- 网上验证与本机加密. 注意事项: appsrvr.exe 应用程序服务器 client.exe 客户端应用程序(即待验证的软件) 注意事项: 1. 第一次运行appsrvr.exe 时,请将互联网IP地址的第一组填入编辑框中(例如,武汉地区IP地址的第一组为61或219) 2. 如果在Windows XP系统下运行appsrvr.exe,请确保外界可通过互联网访问本机。 3. 在Client.exe注册或升级时,计算机须接入互联网,用于实验的11位序列号为10
- HOW FreeIPS 2 WORKS: FreeIPS 2 is totally modularized. The included TCP/UDP IPS is in the form of a module. That way, the user doesn t _have_ to use the one included. We loop through _all_ the modules (for that protocol only, of course).
- his a sequence of bits, of which the first and last are 1. This sequence is used with the bits of the message to calculate a check sequence which has 1 fewer bits than the generator. The check sequence is appended to the original message. At th
- So you ve just been told you are on a TCP/IP network, you are the new TCP/IP system administrator, or you have to install a TCP/IP system. But you don t know very much about TCP/IP. That s where this book comes in. You don t need any programming skil
- ping命令是用来查看网络上另一个主机系统的网络连接是否正常的一个工具。ping命令的工作原理是:向网络上的另一个主机系统发送ICMP报文,如果指定系统得到了报文,它将把报文一模一样地传回给发送者,这有点象潜水艇声纳系统中使用的发声装置。-ping command is used to check on another network host system's network connection of a normal tool. Ping orders of the working
- Testing TCP and UDP socket servers using C# and .NETWhen you re developing a TCP/IP server application it s easy to test it poorly. It s easy to fire requests into a server, check the responses and assume that s enough. Even if you re testing using t
- MSN协议源代码,for mindia 2. Some useful information is grouped in the networking-msn.txt. If it does not help, try to create a network log. Go to Options/Network and press a \"Log Options\" button (the only button in the upper-right corner). Very often th
- 如果你想将你的基于UDP的MP3音频流升级至RTP而又不想仔细阅读RTP标准,看这个好了。,If you want to upgrade your current MP3 streamer in UDP to support RTP, and you are lazy to read about the RTP standard, then just read this.
- 基于TCP and UDP的socket编程 简单的Client/Server网络应用程序。要求实现客户向服务器传输任意一个字符串,服务器将收到的字符串变换成大写后传回客户。 2.修改上述程序,实现服务器根据客户请求,将服务器端指定的文件可靠地传输给客户。如果服务器没有指定的文件,服务器将给客户返回一个信息,通知客户其请求文件不存在。 -TCP and UDP socket programming Simple Client/Server network application
- delphi实现文件传输,分服务器端和客户端。服务器端实时扫描指定文件夹,若有文件就将文件传输到客户端-delphi to achieve file transfer, sub-server and client. Server-side real-time scanning the specified folder, if the file will be file transfer to the client
- 防丢包UDP传输server端,将文件包分成1024kb/包 如果丢包就重传如果收到ACK就继续传文件-UDP transport server-side anti-packet loss, the package into 1024kb/packet retransmission if the packet loss to receive the ACK if the file transfer to continue
- 该协议采用UDP方式接入服务器,图中req表示请求数据包,res表示应答数据包。当设备上线时发送hello数据包给服务器,服务器检查数据的合法性,如果是非法请求,服务器将不作响应。设备收到应答数据后将发出refresh更新数据包,服务器同样先检查数据-The agreement means the use of UDP access server, the figure said req request packet, res that the response packet. When the
- 服务器和客户机端,即建立所谓的客户机/服务器编程模式。在服务器端必须先建立一个ServerSocket对象,然后等待客户机端的访问。而在客户机端,则是建立一个Socket对象直接跟服务器端连接,如果连接建立成功,则服务器端便会产生一个Socket对象,然后我们就可以利用这个Socket对象跟客户机端的Socket对象沟通了。此时在服务器和客户机之间建立了一条可靠连接,客户机和服务器可以在这条连接上可靠的传送数据。客户机发出请求,服务器监听来自客户机的请求,并为客户机提供相应的服务。 -Serve
- tcp/ip协议!!很好的例程!如果有需要就拿去吧!安逸的很哦-tcp/ip protocol! ! Good routine! If there is a need to take go! Oh very easy
- This is one of the most simplest editServer examples you will find on the net. It is based on the code by Faceless Wonder, so if you use it, give credits to him too. To test it, place the compiled server in the same DIR with the EditServer.exe
- 与ScktComp兼容的IOCP服务端组件 参考了IOCPComp组件和ScktComp组件,可以直接替换ScktComp的TServerSocket 其中的事件方法大致相同,同于本身的IOCP特性,不再提供原TServerSocket的线程阻塞选项.核心文件(ScktIocp.pas) 测试时先导入注册表文件,修改连接数,在XP下测试可连接3万个连接. 用FastMM4测试,没有发现内存泄漏,应用大规模服务还有待测试. 如发现有错误之处请更正后通知本人.-ScktComp