- 一个在Linux平台上执行的程序,用来抓取特定网站上指定类型的文件-a Linux implementation of the procedures used to capture specific web sites designated types of documents
- 这是一个网络捕获数据包的开放源码,来源于国外网站。可在windows、linux下运行。-This is a network packet capture of open source and comes from overseas sites. The windows, running under Linux.
- 线程学习,网络编程,主要是用idhttp与网站通讯-threads, network programming, it is mainly used idhttp and communications sites
- 本软件主要是用来清理IE浏览器下拉列表中的网址和本地路径。本软件获得2004中国原创软件大赛“新锐奖”。-The software is mainly used to clear IE browser drop-down list of local web sites and trails. The software was 2,004 original Chinese software Competition "cutting-edge Award."
- 1、ASP+SQL 2、浏览统计和分析 3、自动生成学校学科分网站,学科分网站,具有和主网站同样的功能,并能独立注册,独立后台管理, 4、代码通过函数调用,方便快捷 -1, ASP SQL 2, visit the statistical and analytical 3, automatic generation school disciplines site, the subject sub-sites, and the main site with the same cap
- === === === === === ==== 增加网页访问量 V1.0 ========================================================== 在网址栏中输入您想增加访问量的网址(网址上必须带http://), 如:http://www.abc.com/,选择[开始],再将窗口最小化, 此时会挂机增加您的访问量。 提示:对如有些特别网页需要选上[分析网页内容]。-=== === === === === === ==
- 封装后的TAPI类(C#),从国外网站上Down的-the TAPI (C#), from foreign web sites of Down
pangzhusm 网站旁站和C段扫描查询程序
- 网站旁站和C段扫描查询程序,能够查询出目标站同服务器上所有的其他网站和C段里每个服务器里所有的网站。-Site next to the station and the C segment scan check program, be able to query the target station with all the other sites on the server and each server in the C segment in all of the site.
- 旅游网站ASP.NET+SQL2000 欢迎积极下载,ASP.NET+ SQL2000 travel sites welcome to actively download
- 一个牛X的国人编写的Chinsesscape智能内码识别,支持屏幕取词翻译的程序!!里面有详细的中文注释,每一模块的中文注释都讲得非常清楚,特别是内码识别、屏幕取词翻译技术这些核心技术都注释得非常详尽!!!是你无法在其他网站上找到的非常好的资料-Niu X, a people prepared Chinsesscape intelligent code recognition, support for capturing the process of translation!! There ar
- CGAL is a collaborative effort of several sites in Europe and Israel. The goal is to make the most important of the solutions and methods developed in computational geometry available to users in industry and academia in a C++ library. The goal is to
- This is a very quick port of irdadump from Linux irda-utils-0.9.16. It requires various DLLs (iconv, libglib) which were downloaded ready-compiled from sites on the internet, and are included here also. -This is a very quick port of irdadump
- gnaughty is a utility to download porn movies from sites linked to by sublimedirectory.com
- 在CListCtrl表头上显示BMP图片的一种方法,在网上找了挺长时间,只有一个外国网站有现成的代码,好像要RMB,现整理了下发上来,大家共享。-The head table in the CListCtrl display BMP image a way the Internet is a quite a long time, only one foreign Web sites have an existing code, it seems to be RMB, is now finishi
- rc4 RC4 was initially a trade secret, but in September 1994 a descr iption of it was anonymously posted to the Cypherpunks mailing list[3]. It was soon posted on the sci.crypt newsgroup, and from there to many sites on the Internet. The leaked code
- cr4-dotnet RC4 was initially a trade secret, but in September 1994 a descr iption of it was anonymously posted to the Cypherpunks mailing list[3]. It was soon posted on the sci.crypt newsgroup, and from there to many sites on the Internet. The leak
- Resin是CAUCHO公司(http://www.caucho.com/)的产品,是一个非常流行的支持servlets 和jsp的引擎,速度非常快。Resin本身包含了一个支持HTTP/1.1的WEB服务器。虽然它可以显示动态内容,但是它显示静态内容的能力也非常 强,速度直逼APACHE SERVER。许多站点都是使用该WEB服务器构建的。 Resin也可以和许多其他的WEB服务器一起工作,比如Apache server和IIS等。Resin支持Servlets 2.3标准和JSP 1.2
- mini_httpd is a small HTTP server. Its performance is not great, but for low or medium traffic sites it s quite adequate. It implements all the basic features of an HTTP server, including: GET, HEAD, and POST methods. CGI. Basic authenticati
- 关于habari Habari为“下一代”Blog程序,一个艺术级的发布平台,来源于Wordpress,是Wordpress的部分成员因为不满Wordpress日益商业化和matt的独断,离开Wordpress另外开发一个项目。是博客软件中的后起之秀。 Habari功能 1、采用模块化和面向对象的设计模,使其非常容易扩展 2、支持多种数据库做为后端(MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL) 3、事先准备的语句用于阻止SQL语句的入侵 4、M
- wapEQ独立自主的wap手机建站程序的出现可以说是wap手机建站行业的一个里程碑,本系统采用PHP+MYSQL为解决方案, PHP与MySQL的紧密结合使PHP更加优越,速度快、安全性高,也是业内第一款php+mysql的wap整站建站系统。 Wapeq建站系统是目前业内领先的独立手机wap建站系统,具有智能建站及智能管理的双重功能,采用国际领先的所见即所得的可视化建站技术, 一个稍有上网经验、会打字的人,使用我们的"wap手机建站系统"就可以在短时间内建立一个设计精美,功能齐全的wa