verilog实例 [43项]
- 嵌入式可编程器件CPLD的典型实例 压缩包,共计43个源码文件。 使用ALTERA的 Muxplus 软件即可编辑仿真 相关软件可在教育网ftp下载[天网查询,有很多站点提供]-Embedded Programmable CPLD in a typical example of compressed, for a total of 43 source document. Altera Muxplus use the software can edit simulation software av
- 能阅读多个网站的新闻和更新情况-capable of reading a variety of Web sites and news updates of the
- ASP.NET编写的网络像册,可以作为模板开发个人网站或其他,强烈推荐。-ASP.NET prepared by the network album artwork, as a template can develop individual sites or other, strongly recommended.
- 当访问Internet某个站点时,系统首先将远程文件读入到本机Temporary Internet Files文件夹。现在告诉大家一个小技巧可以用VB语言和一个API函数实现判断网页文件是否在IE缓存中。-when visiting certain Internet sites, the system will first read remote files to the machine Temporary Internet Files folder. Now tell us a little
- 相关软件: ·帝国网站管理系统(Ecms) v3.5 繁体版 ·搜索更多与\"帝国网站管理系统(Ecms) \"相关的软件 注意事项: ·注意:本站软件一律只用鼠标左键打开,否则将不能正常下载! ·如果出现该页无法显示,请多试几次;如果总是不能下载,请点击报告错误,谢谢! ·请一定升级到最新版[WinRAR]才能正常解压本站提供的软件;如有其它问题,欢迎发信联系管理员. ·由于网站服务器承受能力有限,请其他网站不要直接链接我们提供的软件,-related software : Empire Si
- 注意事项: ·注意:本站软件一律只用鼠标左键打开,否则将不能正常下载! ·如果出现该页无法显示,请多试几次;如果总是不能下载,请点击报告错误,谢谢! ·请一定升级到最新版[WinRAR]才能正常解压本站提供的软件;如有其它问题,欢迎发信联系管理员. ·由于网站服务器承受能力有限,请其他网站不要直接链接我们提供的软件,-Note : site software will be used only to open the left mouse button, they can not downloa
- C#/ASP.NET开发的网站统计系统,功能很全面,使用便捷。适合中小型网站使用。-C# / ASP.NET development of the web site statistics system, functions very comprehensive and easy to use. Suitable for small and medium-sized sites.
- 蒙文控件,也可做为竖排组件可用于制作蒙文编辑器和网页。-Mongolian controls, as well as Arranging Vertically components can be used to create Mongolian editor and Web sites.
- memcached 是分布的记忆贮藏由Danga Interactive 最初开发了为LiveJournal 的系统。它由贮藏的数据使用加速动态数据库驱使的网站并且对象在记忆减少数据库需要读的数额-memcached distribution is the memory storage by Danga Interactive initially developed for the LiveJournal system. It consists of data storage to accele
- 国外网站上的一些精典的C程序,欲炼神功,必先从基础开始,希望初学者能够多打好基础,特别是做嵌入式程序,重复也要传!BTW,欣赏站长的一些诗!-foreign web sites of some of the classic C procedures and wishes refining art, we must first start from the basis of the hope that more beginners to lay a good foundation, especia
- 这是一个网上流传的短信应用,很多网站作为一个核心下载,但个人认为,其价值有限.-This is a spread of the Internet messaging applications, many sites as a core download, I personally think that their value is limited.
- 求解网络中的最短路径。假设某个计算机网络有n个站点,依次编号为1,2,…,n;有的站点之间有直接的线路连接(即这两个站点之间没有其它站点),有的站点之间没有直接的线路连接。如果用三元组(i,j,f)来表示该网络中的站点I和站点j之间有直接的线路连接且它们之间的距离为f 当已知该网络各站点之间的直接连接情况由m个三元组(i1,j1,f1),(i2,j2,f2),…,(im,jm,fm)确定时,要求计算出对于网络中任意一个站点g(1≤g≤n)到其余各站点的最短距离。-the shortest pat
- linux下的nandflash驱动程序,这是从国外网站上下载来的-nandflash the driver, which is from overseas sites to download
- 快速寻找SSR,使用滑动块寻找短重复序列,目前已有分子生物育种网站在使用,比较宝贵的源码-SSR, use sliding block for a short repetitive sequence, there is a molecular biology breeding sites in the use of more valuable source
- 网络搜索引擎源代码.可以用在元数据网站的搜索方面.基本的模块都已经具备.比如多线程下载的机制已经完成.-Network searching engine code,which can be used in the searching mission of meta-data sites,now has been provided with basic modules,such as the accomplishment of multi-thread downloading mechanism.
- 从别的网站找到的,大家共享一下 大家看了可以修改一下哦-find alternative sites, share what we saw could be amended oh
- 基于多个网站搜索源码,基于多个网站搜索源码-Search multiple sites based on source code, source code based on multiple site search
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- can be used for beginners to learn, help readers understand the architecture of large distributed web sites, and solve problems and ideas